Last night, BTS took the stage of the Allstate Arena, here in Chicago. Performing in front of an entirely sold-out arena, BTS delighted fans from around the world, with a 2+ hour performance that will undoubtedly live on in the memories of those in attendance for years to come. Continue reading “Zombie’s Top 10 Moments of the 2017 BTS Live Trilogy Episode III: The Wings Tour in Chicago”
CL In Chicago: A Zombie’s Quick Recap
I know I’m late to the party here but after a week of fighting off colds and celebrating birthdays and holiday prepping, I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down a write. (It’s a travesty, I know, but sometimes life happens, even for life-less zombies.) Still, I decided I couldn’t really pass up the chance to recount the memories I made while attending CL’s recent concert here in Chicago. I mean it’s not every day the Baddest Female makes an appearance in your city and when she does, it feels kinda wrong not to say anything about it. So here goes… A summary of my adventures of an unforgettable evening in Chicago with a handful of fantastic friends and CL. Continue reading “CL In Chicago: A Zombie’s Quick Recap”
B1A4’s “Four Nights In The U.S. 2017” Tour Coming Soon

U.S. BANAs, are you ready!?! Everyone’s favorite bean-sprout sporting boy band, B1A4, has just announced they’ll be headed Stateside early next year, for a 4-stop tour that has me so excited I’ve been squealing non-stop since I first read the news this morning! Continue reading “B1A4’s “Four Nights In The U.S. 2017” Tour Coming Soon”
Crush’s First Solo U.S. Tour Scheduled for Next Month
Setting out on his second solo concert series, Hip-Hop and R&B singer-songwriter, Crush, will be heading Stateside next month as part of the “2016 Crush On You Tour.” Continue reading “Crush’s First Solo U.S. Tour Scheduled for Next Month”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 6
Waking up after such an incredibly fun and exhausting weekend is harder than pulling a crocodile’s teeth which meant waking up early enough to make it to the airport on time, Monday morning, was, without a doubt, the hardest thing I had to do while in LA. Of course knowing that waking means you have to leave all of your friends and all of the fun of the past week behind, doesn’t make things any easier. But flights had to be caught and, as is the case every year, the fun of KCON eventually has to come to an end. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 6”
Photos of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago
Since I have all these wonderful photos from SHINee’s fanmeet in Chicago, I figured I’d share them all with you. If you follow me on any of my social media sites, you’ve already seen these but for those of you who don’t and/or haven’t seen them yet, here they are. I hope you enjoy them! Continue reading “Photos of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago”
Replay: A Zombie’s View of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago
I know it seems kinda silly to be writing about a fanmeet that took place almost a month ago but couldn’t let this evening with SHINee go by without saying something. It was one of those evenings that seems almost too amazing to be real and well, I’m kinda writing this more as proof to myself that the evening actually happened, than anything else. Continue reading “Replay: A Zombie’s View of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago”
Photos From Teen Top’s Red Point Tour in Chicago
If you’ve ready my recap of Teen Top’s stop in Chicago, you know I was able to photograph pretty much the entire concert. It seems like such a waste to have so many pictures just sitting on my computer so I’m putting them here for everyone to enjoy. Well, I’m putting some of them here anyway. I actually have over 2,000 pictures from the concert and it’s probably going to take me the rest of forever to get through them all but this is a good place to start so here they are. Enjoy! Continue reading “Photos From Teen Top’s Red Point Tour in Chicago”
Rocking Chicago: A Crazy Zombie’s Recap of Teen Top’s Red Point Stop in the Windy City
I can’t believe it’s already been a week since I experienced one of the most exciting, nerve-wracking and incredible experiences of my life as Teen Top took to the stage of the Copernicus Center in Chicago and I fell over dead. Okay, not all the way dead. Just mostly dead. Dead-ish, if you will. And well, I may never be the same again. (Though maybe that’s a good thing…) Continue reading “Rocking Chicago: A Crazy Zombie’s Recap of Teen Top’s Red Point Stop in the Windy City”
EXO in Chicago: A Zombie’s Recap of the Day She Died
I have an ever-growing bucket list designated just for K-Pop which really, is more like a wish list of groups I want to see in person before I die, and on that list EXO has ranked high for a very, very long time. So when it was announced all those months ago, that one of the stops EXO would be making during their North American tour was Chicago, well, I very nearly dropped dead right then and there. However, I somehow managed to keep myself together long enough to buy a ticket (which also nearly killed me) and endure the endless countdown of days that ultimately brought me to D-Day. Concert Day. Better known as the day the zombie and about 4,000 other fans lost their hearts to the eight adorable members of EXO that fateful Friday night. Continue reading “EXO in Chicago: A Zombie’s Recap of the Day She Died”