Saturday must have worn me out more than even I realized because I slept until 7:30 Sunday morning (a new record, I know). It felt glorious to sleep so long and I woke up in a near panic because I got irrationally freaked out about getting to the Sports Arena late and I’d miss my chance to be one of the VIP guests for the Danny From L.A. taping. (Which I still can’t believe I won because I never win anything! Ever.) Thankfully taking a deep breath in and pausing a moment to fully wake up was all it took to clear my head and bring me back to my more rational self. Of course not having a cosplay costume to wear on Sunday did send me into another tizzy as I frantically dug through all of the clothes both Tanya and I brought with, desperately trying to find something to wear that didn’t make me look old, fat or stupid. (A task I struggle with on a daily basis.) With Tanya’s help I did finally settle on something, which involved a skirt, of all things, and I totally blame Tanya for that. I can’t remember the last time I voluntarily wore a skirt anywhere… They don’t usually match my boho indie rock style (which is how Tanya describes my… um… unique… taste in fashion). Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 5”
Being cursed to spend my entire week in L.A. running on Central Time, I woke up at an ungodly hour Friday morning and couldn’t go back to sleep so I did what any zombie in my position would do, I got up, got dressed and headed to the hotel lobby to grab a cup of coffee and call my family. I figured that since I hadn’t talked to them in a couple of days, it would probably be a good idea to at least let them know I hadn’t died. (A fear every single member of my family had while I was away. Crazy people!) With the obligatory phone calls out of the way, it was time to check in with the world and what did I happen to stumble across but pictures of VIXX at the airport in Seoul, posted during my brief hours of sleep. Naturally the fangirl in my couldn’t resist looking up flight arrival times and lo and behold, there were two flights scheduled to arrive at LAX within a half hour of each other and I knew VIXX was on one of them.
Being the die-hard Starlight that I am, I couldn’t suppress the wails of my inner fangirl as I thought of VIXX arriving in L.A. without me there to greet them. I mean, ‘cmon! It’s not every day you get to be in the same place at the same time as your ultimate bias group and my entire week in L.A. seemed to be embracing the theme of “YOLO” (and I still can’t believe how many times Tanya and I “YOLO”ed ourselves while we were there… It’s almost embarrassing, really) so I did the only thing a self-respecting fangirl in my position would do. I tried to come up with a way to get myself to the airport to welcome VIXX when they arrived. Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 3”
If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know by now that I’m super excited about KCON this year but what you might not know is there’s actually more to my spazzing than just my inner fangirl breaking free. So what is that reason, you ask? Well it’s because this year, I’ve been invited to be a special guest at North America’s largest convention of “All Things Hallyu”, KCON! Can you believe it!?! Continue reading “THE ZOMBIE IS INVADING LOS ANGELES!”
With KCON fast approaching, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of preparations that come with making our exodus to the Hallyu Holy Land, so I’ve decided help all of my fellow KCON-bound chingus by suggesting you take a little time to rest, relax and reflect on the awesomeness that’s about to descend upon us all. To help with your time of reflection, here’s a quick look at everything BTS has been doing in L.A. for the past month and what we have to look forward to when we get there ourselves. (Because we didn’t have enough to look forward to already!) Continue reading “BTS IN L.A. AND WHAT THAT MEANS FOR KCON 2014: Are You Ready?”
K-POP ONE-STOP: April 5-11, 2014
KeopiTalk: February in Review
Zombie: To wrap up the month of February, we’ve decided to each pick a MV from the past month to talk about (or drool over…) so let’s get to it…
KpopKolorado: Do you want us to do C-Clown, Nelly?
Nelly: Yes. My current crack song now
KeopiTalk reviews Topp Dogg’s “Arario” MV: “It’s the Joseon version of “OOAK” meets “No More Dream”
Welcome chingus to the very first edition of “KeopiTalk,” a new segment in which my friends KpopKolorado, missienelly and I get together and chat about the latest and greatest K-Pop MVs. We’ve decided to kick off “KeopiTalk” with Topp Dogg’s most recent release “Arario” and we’ve love for you to join us so let’s get to it!
Continue reading “KeopiTalk reviews Topp Dogg’s “Arario” MV: “It’s the Joseon version of “OOAK” meets “No More Dream””
K-POP ONE-STOP: February 9-15, 2014
1. K.Will & Mamamoo “Peppermint Chocolate”
and yes, that was VIXX’s Hongbing and N dancing at the end. *Squeee!*
With Topp Dogg, C-Clown and BTS all making comebacks this week, trying to decide which song to feature as my “Tune of the Week” was difficult but in the end, I found myself coming back to BTS’s “Boy in Luv” over and over again.