Okay, so I know it’s been about a zillion years since I last wrote one of these “Tease” posts. What can I say, I suck. Well, actually it’s more like summer is just super full of kids and cross-country trips and all sorts of other adventures and writing just kind of gets pushed aside because when you live in the frozen North, you kinda gotta make the most of your warm sunny days while they last! But that’s not really why I’m sat down at my computer today. I’m sitting here because Boyfriend is FINALLY making a comeback (in Korea, no less) and I’m so flipping excited about it I just couldn’t stop squealing! (For some odd reason, my kids just don’t get as excited over comebacks as I do… Weird.) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: BOYFRIEND “Never End””
K-POP ONE-STOP: March 27 – April 3, 2015
Wow! It’s been ages since I sat down to write one of these but hey, I’m back now and that’s all that matters, right? Let’s celebrate it being Friday with a look at this past week’s K-Pop MV releases, shall we? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: March 27 – April 3, 2015”
TUNE OF THE WEEK: Boyfriend “Bounce”
Boyfriend made me a very happy fangirl earlier this week when they released the MV for their most recent comeback, “Bounce” and I promised myself that I would feature their song as my Tune of the Week so here it is! Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Boyfriend “Bounce””
RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Boyfriend x Customellow = Instant Death
Okay, we all know that since seeing Boyfriend in concert last March, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with these six adorable boys though really, can you blame me? They were so cute and adorable and sweet and friendly that I just couldn’t help myself and I’ve considered myself a Best Friend ever since. But since making their comeback with “Witch” back in October, Boyfriend has decided they no longer want to entertain me with just their cute and adorable, in fact, I’m now convinced they’re out to kill me with their more mature and sexy side and I’ve got the videos to prove it! Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Boyfriend x Customellow = Instant Death”
With today being the last day of 2014, I find myself looking back over the past year with a mixture of emotions that has me feeling all the feels and you know me, I have a hard time keeping feels to myself when they get this crazy so I’m here to share them all with you. Yippee!
This past year has been such an odd mixture of amazing and awful, not just in the world at large or the world of Hallyu but in my own personal life as well. I won’t bore you with all the details because I know we all have our own stories to tell and mine isn’t any more special or spectacular than any of yours but I will say this… Some of the single most amazing experiences of my life have happened in 2014. I’ve met so many wonderful people and made so many new friends, I’ve had opportunities open to me that have been mind-blowingly awesome and I’ve had a chance to make an unbelievable number of dreams come true. (Boyfriend, B.A.P, KCON, B1A4, 2PM, VIXX… Wow! How did a zombie ever get this lucky? I still have no idea!) In that respect 2014 has been one of the best years of my life but all of this amazing has been coupled with an overwhelming amount of miserable, so much so that I can’t help but cheer as I send this old year off with a flip of the bird and a figurative punch in the face. (If only you could punch a year in the face… That would make me feel so much better!)
At the same time, I welcome this new year with open arms and an unwavering hope that better things are yet to come; because as awful as this past year has been, and as hard as life has tried to steal my hope and rob me of my joy, I can sit here and say, with complete honesty, that life hasn’t quite gotten the better of me yet. Sure there have been days, many, many, many, many days when I’ve felt like giving up and letting the crap of life get the better of me but I didn’t. Miraculously I’ve survived, though not without “a little help from my friends” or more accurately, a whole flipping lot of help from my friends. Seriously, I would have never gotten through this past year without you lovelies and I want you and the whole rest of the world to know how much I love and appreciate you. (You know who you are.) YOU’RE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN A ZOMBIE LOVES BRAINS!
Before I get all sentimental and sappy I should probably wrap this up, I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you, my lovely readers, for spending this past year with me. You’ve all played a part in making the bright side of 2014 absolutely brilliant and I love you all for that. Seriously. Thank you! A thousand times over THANK YOU! I wish each and every one of you a bright, happy and prosperous new year. May it be a year full of light and laughter, friends and fun, hope, peace and joy. May it be a year better than you could possibly imagine, a year full of dreams come true and may the only drama in your life be the kind you watch and read reviews about online. *wink wink*
K-POP ONE-STOP: December 5-12, 2014
It’s Friday and we all know what that means… Tomorrow is sleeping in day! Oh. No. Wait. That’s not it! It must mean it’s time to take a look at this past week’s K-Pop music video releases. Hooray!
DIA “Paradise” (Hope version)
TUNE OF THE WEEK: Starship Planet “Love is You”
It’s that most wonderful time of year again, the time of year that makes my heart happy and my thoughts sappy. Yup! Christmas time is upon us which means it’s time to don the Santa hat, grab a cup of hot chocolate, curl up with my snowman blanket and my lappy and indulge in that most guilty of pleasures, the cheesiest KPop MVs of the year… Christmas videos! Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Starship Planet “Love is You””
K-POP ONE-STOP: October 31 – November 7, 2014
It’s finally Friday and that means it’s time to take a look at this past week’s latest K-Pop music video releases. Hooray! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 31 – November 7, 2014”
K-POP ONE-STOP: October 17-24, 2014
Hey! Hey! It’s Friday (hooray) and that means it’s time to take a look at this past week’s K-Pop music video releases. Woot! Are you ready for this? Then let’s go!
BTS “Hormone War”
K-POP ONE-STOP: October 10-17, 2014
Can you believe it? It’s Friday already and that means it’s time to take a look back at this week’s K-Pop music video releases. There were a bunch of good ones this week so let’s get to it!
Boyfriend “Witch”