In my never-ending quest to come up with new and (hopefully) enjoyable content, I’ve decided to put together a collection of all my favorites from the past month. In part because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and also because I have a really hard time remembering things and I thought this would be a good way to remind myself of everything I’ve watched/listened to/ squealed over this past month. This way when I’m sitting down at the end of the year, trying to remember everything I loved about 2018, I might actually be able to come up with something more than a blank wall inside an empty brain. (Wouldn’t that be nice switch!) So to kick things off, here’s my list of January favorites. (Woohoo!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S TOP PICKS: January 2018”
TUESDAY’S TEASE: Or Should I Say Tuesday’s Tears?
It feels like there’s so much going on in the world of K-Pop right now, it’s almost impossible for me to keep up with it all! Everywhere I look, there’s a new bunch of teaser photos to swoon over or a new MV to squeal my way though and the fact that I’ve been buried under a mountain of plushie orders only makes things harder as every time I come up for air, I almost immediately fall over because some group has just taken my breath away. Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: Or Should I Say Tuesday’s Tears?”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 2

Everyone knows that spending an evening at a KCON concert is pretty much one of the most amazing experiences any K-Pop fan could ever have, aside from actually meeting a bias in person. It’s just one of those experiences that pretty much every K-Pop fan in the world dreams of being a part of, at least once in their life, and for good reason. KCON has a way of bringing some of the biggest names in K-Pop together for a concert like no other. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 2”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 1
By now you know I was already up and working before the sun made its appearance so I won’t bore you with that part of my adventures. Instead, I’ll get right to the good stuff aka an incredibly fun, idol-filled Saturday at KCON! Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 1”
Though it’s really hard for me to believe that in less than 24 hours I’ll be in LA, the truth is I will be and that means KCON 2016 LA is only a few days away. I’ve been trying really hard not to let my inner fangirl get the better of me these past few days and I think that (so far) I’ve done a pretty good job. Sure, I might be a little bit excited about the fact that I’m only days away from seeing so many of my beloved groups again… And I might be just a tad excited about being on so many panels this year (4, to be exact)… And maybe I’m just slightly excited about being able to spend the next few days with some of most favorite people in the world… But I really haven’t let all of that get to me too much… I don’t think… Well… Maybe I have a little bit… Maybe… *ahem* Excuse me for a moment… Continue reading “KCON 2016: WATCH OUT LA, THE ZOMBIE’S ON HER WAY!”
I know I should be starting things out with some sort of introduction to this week’s “Tune” but I’m still so completely overwhelmed by Block B’s latest MV release that I… don’t… even… know… how I’m supposed to handle myself, this song or anything else in this whole wide world. Clearly, I need help. Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Block B “Toy””
KCON 2016: The First Announcements Have Been Made!
Okay, bear with me here. I’m running a week behind thanks to spring break but I’m doing my best to catch up which is why, without any further ado, I’m ready to squee over the first KCON NY and LA lineup announcements of the year. Let’s do this! Continue reading “KCON 2016: The First Announcements Have Been Made!”
TUNE OF THE WEEK: Park Kyung “Ordinary Love”
You know, when I decided to feature Park Kyung’s solo track, “Ordinary Love,” for this week’s Tune, I had no idea a few days later SubKulture would announce a 3-stop Block B tour in the U.S. this November. Needless to say, the announcement of this tour, combined with Kyung’s solo release, has me feeling all the Block B feels! Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Park Kyung “Ordinary Love””
So now that I’ve recounted all my adventures, the only thing I have left to do is share all the pictures I couldn’t squeeze into my original posts. I still have so many to get through it’s probably going to take me the rest of forever but here’s a good handful to get things started. I hope you like them! Continue reading “KCON 2015 LA: A POST OF PICTURES”
As I said in my last post, I slept in until 7:30 Sunday morning and Oh! You have no idea how good it felt! After an evening of such intense fangirling, I was exhausted and the little bit of extra sleep was wonderful! Continue reading “WHEN KCON CALLS THE ZOMBIE ANSWERS: MY ADVENTURES IN LA – DAY 5”