While January may not seem like the busiest month for K-Pop comebacks and drama premiers, there are actually quite a few of both that I’m looking forward to in the coming weeks. What are they, you might ask? Well, read on and find out! Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: Kyung, Rain and Robin Hood”
You know, when it was suggested I watch We Broke Up I thought to myself, “Sure! Why not? I’ll give it a try!” So I did, going into it knowing nothing more about it than that it starred 2NE1’s Dara. Honestly, that was enough of a reason for me to give this drama a go so I didn’t bother to look any more into it. I just dove right in and not two seconds into the darn thing I found myself squeeing so hard I almost fell off the couch! WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME KANG SEUNG YOON WAS IN THIS DRAMA!?! Needless to say, I was immediately hooked and now I sit here trying to find a way to control my spazzing long enough to talk about this cute little drama. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: We Broke Up”
THE BEST TUNE OF 2014: The Choice Is Yours!
A couple of weeks ago I asked you all to help me decide which K-Pop song should be given the title, “Best Tune of 2014” and I promised that the choice would be left solely in your hands. As I’m sure you remember, I set up a series of polls which included every “Tune of the Week” featured in 2014, broken down by months, and asked you to vote for your favorites. Well the votes of those polls have been tallied and now it’s time for you to make your final decision. Which tune will win the title of “Best”? That, my friends, is totally up to you!
K-POP ONE-STOP: March 8-14, 2014
Here’s what you might have missed this week, in the wonderful world of Kpop:
Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: March 8-14, 2014”
KeopiTalk: 2NE1 Comeback
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
John Lennon via Bang Yongguk
KpopKolorado: Hi
Zombie: Sup?
missienelly: Woot woot! Heba! Let’s go!
KpopKolorado: So, I voted for 2NE1’s “Come Back Home” …did you guys have any other suggestions?
K-POP ONE-STOP: March 1-7, 2014
1. 2NE1 “Happy”