Today I was nominated by my lovely friend, Sue (aka MamaFangirl) for the Sunshine Award and suddenly my rather blah day was filled with sunshine and rainbow ponies. (Don’t you just love it when your friends turn your rather ordinary days into something special?) For those of you unfamiliar with The Sunshine Award, it’s given to bloggers who are positive, inspiring and spread a little sunshine with their blogs. I’m not really sure I qualify as inspiring but I do enjoy sharing my love of all things Hallyu and I’d like to think that at least with that, I can spread a little sunshine.

The Guidelines for The Sunshine Award are:
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
- Nominate a few other bloggers.
- Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.
- Notify the bloggers on their blog.
- Put the award button on your blog.
Sounds easy enough!
The Questions:
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I’ve been trying to talk my husband into moving to South Korea for over a year now and he still says no. (Can you believe that?) It’s pretty obvious that I have a slight obsession with Korean pop-culture and entertainment but there’s so much more to Korea than what we see and hear through dramas and K-Pop and that’s what I’m most interested in experiencing. I would love nothing better than to be able to spend my time exploring a country I’ve only ever had the chance to experience through my computer screen. I want to hike the mountains and stroll on the beaches, I want to wander the streets of Seoul, see all the beauty of Jeju Island and experience everything in-between. Of course beyond the scenery, there’s the history and culture, all of which I find fascinating and then there’s the food… Oh the food! I would happily eat my way around the entire country of South Korea, eating anything and everything I could find. Well, almost anything… (not sure how I’d fare with the chicken feet…)
What was the best concert, gig, performance, or festival you’ve ever been to?
I’ve been to a lot of concerts and festivals over the years so this one is kind of tough but I think KCON 2014 wins for best over-all experience. I had so many of my K-Pop dreams come true while at KCON this year… I got to see CNBLUE (finally!), VIXX, G-Dragon (still giddy over that one), VIXX, B1A4 (who, I’m so happy to report, are every bit as adorable in real life as they are in their videos), VIXX, BTS (who I’m now completely addicted to), VIXX, Jung Joon Young (who is an absolute doll and his voice is just… wow!), VIXX, Teen Top (who totally blew me away), VIXX, SPICA, VIXX, Girls’ Generation, VIXX, IU, VIXX and… Oh yeah! VIXX! (Did I mention I got to see VIXX???) PLUS… I got to meet so many amazing people, make new friends and, to top it all off, I had the privilege of being a guest speaker which, to this day, blows my mind. (How did I get to be so lucky?)
What is your go-to karaoke/noraebang song (or your hairbrush-mic in the mirror song if you’re shy)?

I don’t really have a g0-to song, seeing as how I have never, in my life, done noraebang nor do I ever wish to (and all those who have ever heard me sing rejoice). I am painfully shy in front of others, even more so when I’m expected to get up in front of people and entertain them while I sing. In fact, I’m so terrified of singing in front of others that I don’t even sing into my hairbrush for fear my reflection will give me one of Leo’s infamous death stares. That being said, I do enjoy singing along to whatever’s playing while I’m in the shower, while I’m cooking, while I’m running (well, at least until I reach the point where I can no longer breathe), while I’m driving and pretty much anywhere else I feel comfortable enough to let out my inner diva. (Just don’t expect that to happen while others are around… EVER!)
Choose one: Would you want to be a rock star or a movie star?
I’m really torn on this one! I’d love to be a rock star for no other reason than I would love the opportunity to make people as happy with my music as all of my beloved bands have made me. I get so much strength, healing and inspiration from the music I listen to, I’d love to have the opportunity to give that to someone else. At the same time, I was a theater major in college and I can’t deny that being on-stage has always been a love of mine. If I could find some way to be an actor and a rock star, that would be awesome. (Hmm… I wonder if Yong Hwa could give me some tips…)
If money or time was not a concern, what one thing would you love to try or learn how to do?

I would love to go backpacking across Europe. It’s one of those things I wanted to do as a college kid but then life got in the way and I never got around to doing it. I’d also love to go para-sailing, preferably someplace tropical… Just not near any privately owned islands. (We all know those are full of dinosaurs!)

Who was your very first celebrity crush?
I’m having a really hard time remembering who my first celebrity crush was. It was like as soon as puberty hit, every boy became instantly glorious so it’s kind of hard to remember who was the first. I’m going to say it was Christian Bale, just because I think I swooned over him the most. I remember when Newsies first came out… I had such a crush on Jack Kelly! I remember having rather heated debates with my friends over who was cuter, Jack, David or Spot Conlon… To this day, I’m convinced I was right. (I mean, did you ever see David or Spot as Batman???)
So there you have it! Now it’s my turn to do the asking…
1. If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, who would it be and what would you want to do?
2. What are the top three places in the world you most want to visit?
3. If you were given the opportunity to make a dream of yours come true, what would it be?
4. If you had a time machine, where and when would you travel?
5. When it comes to blogging, who or what inspires you the most?
6. Who is your all-time favorite band/musician?
And my nominees are…
Congratulations! You absolutely deserve it. Yours is the blog update that I most look forward to everyday. Always upbeat and happy even when your day is not the best. Thank you for all your hard work and all the rainbows and sunshine.
Awww! Thank you so much! You’ve totally made my day!