Yup, you read that right! VIXX IS COMING TO KCON 2014! Last night during KCON’s weekly #KCONLiveChat, our friendly LiveChat moderators, Hoon and Vanessa, announced that VIXX has joined the slowly growing number of artists that will be attending KCON 2014 this August, in Los Angeles, California and I’m so flipping excited, I just had to take a moment and share my joy with the world.
As a VIXX starved St☆rlight, wasting away in the K-Pop barren wastelands of the mid-western United States, having VIXX announced as a guest at KCON is literally a dream come true! Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would actually have a chance to see one of my most favorite groups performing live and yet, here I sit, knowing that in only a few short weeks I’m actually going to see my biggest bias group IN PERSON! As in, I’m actually going to see Leo, Ravi, N, Hongbin, Hyuk and Ken, living, breathing, singing & dancing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! HOLY FLIPPING COW! IS THIS EVEN REAL!?!
For the record, I’m completely aware that I sound like a crazed fangirl at the moment but I’m okay with that… It’s my way of dealing with the overwhelming amount of excitement I’m feeling at the moment. I mean, c’mon! It’s not every day you actually get to see any K-Pop artist in person, let alone your bias group! How can I not be freaking out right now? Of course what I really want to know is: Who is freaking out with me?
Surely I’m not the only KCON-bound St☆rlight out there, dying because we’re actually going to see VIXX perform at the largest convention of all things Hallyu in North America, am I? Am I!?! I guess even if I am, I’m okay with that. It wouldn’t be the first time in my life I’ve been excited about something the rest of the world couldn’t care less about but I have a feeling, I’m not alone in my fangirl spazzing. So tell me, who else out there is doing the happy dance of joy right now? How did you react when you heard the news? I can assure you, I was in full fangirl flip-out mode when I heard those first few notes start playing… Screams, tears, laughter, forgetting to breathe… Yeah, I spazzed but hey, this is VIXX we’re talking about! VIXX! Oh! Someone pinch me! I need to make sure this isn’t all just a dream!