I can’t believe updates for VIXX’s comeback have been out for days and I’m only just now getting around to squeeing about them! *facepalm* And I call myself a fangirl…
In an effort to make up for my recent days of fangirl silence (I blame the constant struggle to balance surviving a zombie apocalypse and be a productive blogger… Always a challenge!) I plan to squee my heart out and, as always, my fellow St☆rlights are more than welcome to join me!
So as pretty much everyone in the K-Pop world knows by now, VIXX announced their comeback, “Eternity,” a few days ago and like so many of my fellow St☆rlights, my inner fangirl immediately got all giddy as the very thought of VIXX promoting their comeback (and therefore images of them flooding my Twitter TL) made me do a happy dance of joy. Like the rest of my fellow St☆rlights, as soon as the comeback was announced I headed over to VIXX’s official website and was greeted by an omnious looking clock, slowly ticking away the minutes and I thought to myself, “Holy buckets! I think these boys are trying to kill me.” (Yes, I’m one of those St☆rlights who LOVES the darker concepts of VIXX!)
On Monday VIXX decided to tease us even more by releasing a handful of pictures of our beloved band and my reaction went something like this…
*fell out of chair and died*
Then on Tuesday we had our weekly episode of VIXX TV and while I love every episode of VIXX TV, I’m particularly fond of those that feature Leo (if only for a minute) so naturally my inner-fangirl pretty much freaked out.
And then VIXX decided to release the teaser for the “Eternity” MV and I immediately had to squee to my best friend, Tanya, my husband, my zombie horde and pretty much the rest of the world because there was absolutely no way I could contain all my feels when I saw this…
(To those of you who follow me on Twitter, I would just like to apologize for my momentary freak-out after watching this teaser. I didn’t mean to yell at you, I just temporarily forgot how to behave like a normal, civilized being as my inner-fangirl refused to stay quiet any longer.)
After watching the “Eternity” teaser more times than I’d like to admit, I finally got the fangirl in me to calm herself a little and then today hit and I realized it was the 2nd anniversary of VIXX and my feels went through the roof again as my TL flooded with memories and pics of VIXX over the past two years. Once again my inner-fangirl wailed as this little trip down memory lane brought back so many memories and feels… OH THE FEELS!!!
But even all of this wasn’t enough for VIXX. Oh no! Being the purveyors of overwhelming feels, these dear boys treated us, their St☆rlights, to a little thank you video that featured not one, not two, but all six members as they each, personally, thanked us for our love and support.
As if we really needed a thank you… More than likely every St☆rlight that watched that video was wishing they could make a video to thank VIXX for the past two years as their music has carried us through good times and bad, their smiles and laughter have cheered our dreary days and their overwhelming awesomeness have stopped our hearts on more than one occasion. In short, pretty much every St☆rlight out there would like to thank VIXX for ruining our lives in the best possible way and for eventually being the death of us all. I’m sure more than one St☆rlight would agree with me when I say death by Leo would be the best way for a fangirl to go.
Ugh! Been so busy I couldn’t properly fangirl until right now! VIXX!!!!!! I am one Starlight who would agree that death by Leo is ideal! Their 2nd Anniversary’s got me nostalgic, looking at old VIXX TVs and such. Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone, and that VIXX is ruining more lives than just my own.
Oh you’re very welcome!
If ever you need someone to fangirl with, I’m right here! VIXX is my greatest weakness! lol