I know that Y.Bird’s LYn x LEO collaboration was released a couple of weeks ago but I didn’t have time to squee over it at the time because I was too busy getting ready to leave for L.A. and honestly, I was too full of feels to even begin to talk about this amazing video without melting into a giant puddle of fangirl goo. Even now, weeks later, I’m still not sure I can actually handle this song but I’ve gotta try! The fangirl in me has been dying to squee over Leo in this video for weeks!
Oh goodness! I really don’t even know where to start with this song! I die every time I gather the fortitude to give it a listen. (And yes, I actually have to mentally prepare myself for this song because having it start randomly playing, when I’m not expecting it, is just too much for this fangirl to take!) LYn and Leo’s voices are so divinely paired in this song that I get goosebumps every time I listen and I just want to weep as the emotion of “Blossom Tears” rips my heart into a million tiny pieces.
As if the song itself weren’t potent enough, Jellyfish had to go and make this stinking video which means that every time this song starts playing on my iPod, my head is instantly filled with images of a dark, brooding, wounded, slightly terrifying Leo and my heart feels like it’s going to explode. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME LEO!?! I used to be such a normal, rational albeit slightly crazy person and then Leo happened and now I don’t even know what I’ve become!
I suppose I wouldn’t be this bad off if I didn’t have a thing for dark and dangerous bad boys but I do and Leo fills those shoes so incredibly well, especially in this video, that I fall completely to pieces. And on a random side note, how is it Leo is such an amazing actor anyway? Did anyone see that coming, because I know I sure didn’t. Even after all these years of following VIXX and watching absolutely every video ever released on YouTube with VIXX in it, I never, in a million years, would have guess that Leo was this talented as an actor. Seriously. Someone get that boy a drama, STAT!
Moving on… Maybe one of these days I’ll actually be able to listen to “Blossom Tears” without feeling like I’m dying but I don’t expect it to be any time soon. The emotion of the song is so strong and the feelings it invokes are too powerful for me to handle and that’s without even thinking about the video! Throw that sucker in there and I’m just gone! Literally. G.O.N.E.
So what about you? Has the release of “Blossom Tears” been the death of your inner fangirl or have you been able to the trap I’ve so willingly fallen into? (And yes, this song is a trap… A lovely, painful, glorious, fangirl trap and I’m totally okay with being stuck here for the rest of my life.) I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!