One would think that after so many amazing comebacks this past month there couldn’t possibly be anything left for me to spazz about but OH NO! On the very heels of VIXX’s comeback (from which I’m STILL trying to recover) the K-Pop gods have decided to try to completely do me in as the teasers that have been released this week, for upcoming comebacks, has very nearly stopped my heart. I mean have you seen the list of bands making a comeback in June??? It’s no wonder I can’t breathe! Look…
Topp Dogg
If this lineup of comebacks isn’t enough to make a fangirl swoon, I don’t know what is! Personally, I’m looking forward to pretty much all of these comebacks so I what I want to know is, which comeback has you falling out of your chair? Let me know which band you’re squealing over in the comments below and I’ll happily squee right along with you! *Eeep!*
Sounds like a bunch of silly teenagers. Are you?
Believe it or not, I’m actually a 34 year-old mother of 4. However, my “Release the Fangirl!” posts are heavily inspired by the numerous teenage fangirls I interact with on a daily basis. Sometimes you just need a place to squee and that why I write them.