I know this song was released last week but I didn’t have time to squee about it at the time so I’m doing it now because it really is a song worth squeeing over.
Since making their debut back in April, HIGH4 has continually impressed me with both their talent and their charm. They are without a doubt an incredible quartet and I’ve enjoyed every single one of their songs, so far, but none of them have moved me the way “Day by Day” has. Stepping away from their lighter side, the boys of HIGH4 have released a ballad that not only breaks my heart,
it stirs my very soul.
I think a lot of my fangirl squeeing stems from the fact that this song perfectly highlights everything that is wonderful about HIGH4. The harmonies of Sung Gu and Myung Han are absolutely beautiful and they pair so well with the rapping of Alex and Young Jun that every time I listen to this song I end up falling to the floor, a sobbing, heart-broken, mess of a fangirl. I know, I really shouldn’t let myself get so carried away by my emotions but I just can’t help myself, I tend fall apart in the presence of beauty. Must be a zombie thing…
“Day by Day” has been out for aweek now so if you haven’t given it a listen yet, what are you waiting for? Of course, once you’ve given it a listen, I want to know what you think. Are you loving this new side of HIGH4 as much as I am or do you prefer their happier tunes? You know I love hearing from you so let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!
Who is The one with The hat??
That would be Baek Myung Han.