Okay, so last night I was browsing through all the latest K-Pop MVs on YouTube as I worked on my K-POP ONE-STOP post and I stumbled upon F.T. Island’s latest Japanese release, “Be Free” (or “Freedom” depending on which translation you want to go with) and very nearly fell out of my chair! Ohmagoodness!
I’m not gonna lie, I was hooked on this MV from the very first second, it didn’t even matter that the song itself hadn’t even started playing! Just the sight of HongKi in goth/Joker inspired makeup was enough to send me into squeals of fangirl delight. Yup, I’m a sucker for any band that rocks a darker concept
and seeing F.T. Island sporting a look that brings to my mind images of Edgar Allen Poe and Sweeney Todd made me positively giddy! What can I say, I like a man with an edge and boy howdy, do these boys rock theirs! This entire MV is full of heavily lined smokey eyes that glare and stare as the whole lot of them sit around all tough and brooding which means I’m skipping around the room as elated as a kid on Christmas day!

What makes “Be Free” even better is the fact that the song itself kicks butt as its fast-paced, angsty rock backs the challenge to “be free” so well. On top of that, the whole feel of this song and MV perfectly fit my mood as of late so for me it’s a win-win. Any time I can channel my own feelings through a song, I’m a happy fangirl so it’s no wonder “Be Free” has struck a chord in my music-driven soul and I LOVE IT!
Of course, I am still on a kind of Hong Ki high at the moment as Bride of the Century didn’t end all that long ago so maybe my feels are a little out of whack but… Oh who am I kidding? When it comes to Hong Ki, my feels are always out of whack! I’ve been a fan since I first saw him in You’re Beautiful and my appreciation of him has only grown as the years have passed. He’s one of the handful of idols I’d like to be like when I grow up… If I ever decide to grow up… ㅎㅎㅎ