So every once in a while I’ll stumble upon a video on YouTube that just suddenly makes me go all squishy inside and I wanna share all of my fangirl gushings with the world. The problem is, I could never figure out exactly how or where to do that, until now… Welcome to “Release the Fangirl!” From now on, whenever I find something that strikes my fangirl fancy, I’m gonna share it with the world for no other reason than simply “because I can” so if fangirling isn’t your thing, you may wan to just pass this one by.
So last week, in the midst of all my life’s sudden craziness, I managed to find a few minutes to take a quick peek at YouTube and I stumbled upon this gem of a MV…
As soon as I saw this MV come up in my “Suggested for You” queue, I went “Holy Crap! How did CNBLUE release a new single without me knowing?” which was immediately followed up with an “Oh yeah, life happened…” and then I pressed “play” and I immediately melted into a giant puddle of zombie fangirl goo. SERIOUSLY CNBLUE! How can you do this to me every. stinking. time. you release a new MV? One would think that after watching so many new MVs by CNBLUE, one would get used to being blown away by said band’s awesomeness but no. Not me! Every time CNBLUE releases a new single, drops a new album, or produces a new MV, I go all silly in the head, my insides turn to mush and have grab onto something to keep from falling out of my chair.
Why CNBLUE has this affect on me is still something of a mystery (I mean not every K-Pop band out there can draw such a profound fangirl reaction out of me) but I think it has something to do with YongHwa’s voice… And his eyes… And his hair… And… Oh who am I kidding… It’s all because of YongHwa! Dang it you crooning flower boy! What have you done to me?
But about this MV… I’m sure it’s pretty obvious I think “Truth” is pretty darn fantastic. Who cares if it’s a Japanese single? I certainly don’t! Whether they’re singing in Korean, Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian, Klingon, Elvish, Dwarvish… Whatever, they’re still CNBLUE and they’re still AMAZING!
My only gripe about “Truth” being a Japanese single is how hard it is to find this (and every other Japanese song ever released by a K-Pop band) in iTunes. I’m sure in iTunes Japan, it’s not a problem but living on this side of the world makes accessing the wonderful world of Japanese tunes a bit difficult. Still, nothing can deter the true fangirl and I will (one day) find a way to make all of my Japanese music owning dreams come true.
In the meantime, I’ll keeping going back to YouTube to catch up on all my K-Pop artists’ Japanese releases which, let’s face it, isn’t all that bad. I mean any excuse to go back and watch this particular MV is a good one, right? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ