As we all know, Boyfriend is back and their promotions for Obsession are in full swing (and all the Bestfriends in the world rejoiced). After a year and a half of silence, it seems Boyfriend has decided that the only way to make up for their long absence is by bombarding their fans with a flood of adorableness so powerful it knocks us all off our feet and personally, I’m okay with that. After wowing Bestfriends with their rougher, tougher, bad boy image in “Obsession,” Boyfriend has taken a much larger step towards proving their maturity by releasing the soulful and quite lovely “Alarm.”
As fantastic as “Alarm” is on its own, the thing that really gets to me is the music video. There’s just something about seeing Boyfriend walking around the streets of Chicago that just… I’m not even sure what the word I’m looking for is… It’s just so… Ugh! It just gets me right here… *clutches at heart*
I’m pretty sure the sole reason this MV gets to me like it does is because watching it brings back so many concert feels. Being lucky enough to attend Boyfriend’s first U.S. Showcase in Chicago this past March, I watch this video and am immediately taken back to the hours leading up to the concert, when my lovely blogging bestie, Tanya, and I were walking around the very same streets, visiting the very same places before heading to the concert venue. *sigh*
Just seeing Donghyun standing in front of Cloud Gate (or The Bean as it’s called in my house) brings back so many memories and suddenly I find myself missing both Tanya and Boyfriend like crazy. (I know, I’m such a sappy fangirl!)
For those who have never suffered from PCD (post-concert depression), I’m sure you think I’m crazy but I have a feeling I’m not the only Bestfriend in the world who has watched this MV multiple times, in some desperate attempt to relive just a moment of that amazing night. (And yes, it really was an amazing night and you can read all about it here, if you’d like.) For the rest of you, who know exactly what I’m talking about when I mention PCD and missing Boyfriend, I just want you to know that I’m here and I’m always more than willing to relive the magic of that one night with Boyfriend with any Bestfriend who might be in need of a virtual hug. (As those of you who chat with me on Twitter are already well aware. lol) I feel your pain, my fellow fangirls… I feel your pain.