KpopKolorado: Hi ladies. Welcome to another edition of KeopiTalk yayyy!
missienelly: Hello! I’m excited!!!
Zombie: Me too! I’m super excited to be talking about U-KISS’s latest Japanese release, “Break Up.” In part because I don’t think they get nearly the recognition they deserve (and I want to change that, if at all possible) and in part because Hoon makes me smile…
KpopKolorado: Me too! It’s already doing so well on the Japan charts! squeeee!
missienelly: Do they get a lot of market exposure in Japan?
Zombie: I think they get a decent amount of recognition everywhere but South Korea. It’s sad, really. After all these years and albums, they’ve still never won any awards.
missienelly: I know their internationally based fans are bigger… they should consider doing an album in English too… but I know it’s very risky. JYJ did it and it didn’t get the love they were hoping for.
KpopKolorado: All of the Kpop bands do well in Japan. I saw a map of U-KISS’s upcoming Japan tour though and WOW! They are covering the entire island like three times!
missienelly: It’s unfair… even MBLAQ chose Japan to release their next album sigh…
Zombie: If you’re looking for English lyrics, at least there’s a decent amount in “Break Up.”
KpopKolorado: I usually find that the Japanese releases are chock full of Engrish. Yayz! Okay, my body is ready to witness the savage beauty of Kiseop…let’s get this moving…there’s some major skin in this thing….
missienelly: And I’m ready to be wooed and wowed by them! Bring it, boyzzzz!
KpopKolorado: OH…right off the bat, Kevin’s vocals and bare upper torso are Q.Q
missienelly: It was damn schexxxxxyyyy!!!!
KpopKolorado: Is it crazy that Kevin’s voice makes me miss Dongho and Eli’s rapping makes my ears yearn for A.J.?
Zombie: I know exactly what you mean. What I want to know is, what is it about Soohyun in this MV that makes me instantly weak in the knees? Is it the fact that he’s singing in Japanese or what? I can’t figure it out but… WOW!
missienelly: My first impression? The opening reminded me of SHINee’s DreamGirl! The lighting and all…
Zombie: There’s quite a lot in this MV that makes me think of others… In particular, the whole shadows and arms segment that screams EXO “Wolf.”
Zombie: Their whole bare from the shoulders up concept reminds me an awful lot of VIXX’s “On and On” MV. Not that I’m complaining, I’m just saying, it’s been done before. Hooray for fan-service!
missienelly: What did you all think of their outfits?
KpopKolorado: Uh…I kinda like them better without their clothes on tbh *wink* they were so glisteny…like they were oiled up or sth
Also…I’m trying not to mention Kiseop too much, but his neck tattoo almost made me scream!!
missienelly: I do like them without their clothes on… if only they flash just a wee bit more.
Zombie: I think by not flashing any more they keep a greater sense of mystery and therefore, longing… I’m so glad I’m not the only one who felt that way about Kiseop’s tattoos! Seriously! I saw those stars and almost died!!!
missienelly: Well… I’m longing for more now *growls*
Zombie: See? It worked!
KpopKolorado: kekek One Word:
missienelly: They could do better with their outfits though, it is too… sloppy? I want them to be more fashionable. Too casual and it sort of blends in with the background.
KpopKolorado: This is supposed to have a mature “in da club” vibe to it. Maybe that’s why they are dressed casually…?
Zombie: I think they’re definitely going for a more mature look (and I have no problem with that) but I think because of that, they’re not dressed as “flashy” or “hip” (geeze, I sound totally like an ahjumma) as they would otherwise. You know, when you’re mature, you don’t wear bedazzled clothes anymore…
KpopKolorado: So, I get the feeling that this song is dedicated to the fans who are afraid that U-Kiss is going bye-bye since they are now down to five members…I feel ya U-Kiss ♥
Zombie: Wait…What? Who left this time?
KpopKolorado: The rapper A.J. is going to school at Columbia in NYC
missienelly: Is he the American one?
KpopKolorado: He’s one of them who speaks fluent English, but I don’t think he grew up here. Whereas, Kevin grew up in San Fran and Eli was born in L.A. and grew up in D.C. Oosh, I just read that there were two other members who left U-Kiss even before Dongho… ouchy
missienelly: jjakamanyo! Eli from DC? *gasps*
Zombie: I knew A.J. was going to school in NYC, I just didn’t realize he was leaving U-KISS to do so. Why didn’t I realize he wasn’t in this MV? *facepalm*
KpopKolorado: Not sure he left. Maybe just on educational hiatus or sth?
missienelly: So is it true, they will lose another member?
Zombie: Now I want to cheer for them even more! U-KISS, FIGHTING!!!
missienelly: I just heard this song for the fifth time… I like!!!! neomu neomu joa! By the way, who is the guy at 0:11? He was howling woooo ooooo ooooo
KpopKolorado: That’s the now maknae, Kevin, from San Francisco
missienelly: Aaaaaah…. he’s cute! And for some reason I see a resemblance between him and Yoo Shi Yoon. Maybe it is just my eyes…
KpopKolorado: Are you calling the leader “Yoo Si Yoon?” I think you must mean that he resembles Yoo Se Yoon (the comedian) though lol but that is the leader of U-Kiss, Soohyun, with the bleached blonde hair…he’s the one that bumps into the shoulder of the girl while walking down the hall
missienelly: Not him… check minute 0:09
KpopKolorado: There’s all of them at .09…can you pick a diff spot? Like how about when they are all in one window baring their shoulders cuz that’s my fav spot yasss
Zombie: The one at 0:09 is Soohyun, (aka the one who makes me swoon two seconds into this MV…)
missienelly: This should help… hehehe
KpopKolorado: That’s Kevin with the incredible vocals (and shoulders) I mentioned above – he’s grown into quite the man
missienelly: Well… I’m in love with him now! *drools*
KpopKolorado: Yay for byuntae noonas! Here…a grid for your viewing pleasure:
Top Left: The hottest, smexiest, Kiseop
Middle: Gorgeous maknae, Kevin
Top Right: Another gorgeous manboy, Hoon (who always makes ZombieMamma smile)
Bottom Left: Your D.C. boy, Eli
Bottom Right: Leader Soohyun (who makes ZombieMamma swoon)
missienelly: Whatever ZommibeMamma
KpopKolorado: lol…She’s so greedy
Zombie: Sorry, Hoon’s the reason I love U-KISS as much as I do, Soohyun just caught me off guard this time around. Maybe it’s from watching one too many episodes of “Go U-KISS” while they were touring the States… (Which if you haven’t watched, you should because it’s fantastic!)
KpopKolorado: OH! Then, you’ve for sure watched all of the episodes of Hoon in …ugh..what’s that drama with IU? He was such a hilarious karate boy..omo
Zombie: You mean, Pretty Man? Um yeah, I wrote a weekly review of that drama with a friend of mine, while it was airing and did an entire piece in tribute to Dae Shik (aka Hoon) at the end of it all. Hoon was the reason I stuck around for that drama. He was just too adorable!
missienelly: Ooooh I know him, I know him! He was such a cracker in Pretty Man!
KpopKolorado: Okay okay okay we get it.. YOU LOVE HOONIE ♥ Um, did I mention that I have dibs on Kiseop?
missienelly: That’s fine… Kevin is mine then!
KpopKolorado: Thank goodness we all have different U-Kiss biases…lol
Zombie: And now that we’ve divvied up the boys, shall we talk about this MV some more?
KpopKolorado: :/ Erm….d’okay. I like this song, I’ll def buy it from iTunes, but WAEEEE is it always so many gorgeous boys in love with one chick??!
Zombie: Unfortunately it’s not available in iTunes at the moment. (I just checked.)
KpopKolorado: It will be, but it’s prolly in Japan iTunes.
Zombie: There’s way too much good music floating around in iTunes Japan that I can’t get my hands on. Grrr!
missienelly: The concept is very simple… break up with a girl and that’s it. Right? She’s definitely, DEFINITELY, a playa!
KpopKolorado: Hahahha…’playa’ is “beach” in Spanish..nice play on words there missienelly Also? This ‘girl’ is like 40…amiright?
Zombie: I know none of us are fans of the “girl” in this MV but I just have to ask… Are any of us going to complain if she looks like she’s 40? I mean, really?
KpopKolorado: Not me, that’s for
missienelly: I wanted her to leave the minute i saw her!
KpopKolorado: HAHAHHA Nelly!
Zombie: That’s what I thought… Thank you U-KISS for thinking of your noona fans while making this MV!
KpopKolorado: Yes! It’s awesome to see an actual woman instead of a 12-year-old girl for once.
missienelly: She sort of fits into their image… The boys are looking very mature and mannish… just like the boys from the VIXX
KpopKolorado: “the VIXX” kekek And now…back to watching Kiseop yayz!
Zombie: So the title of this song is “Break Up,” which would make you think it’s about breaking up with a girl but actually, this song is about never breaking up.
KpopKolorado: I think this MV has more to do with baring the souls (chests) of U-Kiss and making a promise to the fans that they won’t break up, than anything else.
Zombie: I think you’re right about this being a song to the Kissmes. It’s all about chasing after the girl and never letting her go, which is what they’re doing for their fans… Well, that and providing all kinds of fan-service. Again, it’s all about the fans…
missienelly: Okay, now I get it… I see bunch of girls in the background on minute 2:36/37 so it’s not about break up… the title seems misleading to me, my brain tells me otherwise *giggles*
KpopKolorado: Maybe this is why it’s doing so well in Japan, the Kissme’s there want to send a message to U-Kiss that they get it and support them. Awwzzz ♥ ♥ ♥ U-Kiss ajajajaja hwaiting!
Zombie: I feel like we need to send them a great big group hug… U-KISS, saranghae!!!
missienelly: Hwaiting U-Kiss! The group needs lots of love now!
Zombie: Maybe we can get all of our fellow tweeps to send twitter hugs to all the members of U-KISS, just to cheer them on and let them know that KISSMEs the world-over are here for them…
KpopKolorado: That would be so nice. ♥
So who’s ready to help KpopKolorado, missienelly and me send lots of love to the boys of U-KISS and let them know that we, their KISSMEs, will always be here for them? U-KISS always does such a great job of making us smile, isn’t it time we returned the favor? You can find the boys on Twitter so take a second and send them a great big Twitter HUG! And just in case you don’t already know where to find the boys of U-KISS on Twitter, here you go…
Hoon @HooN91y
Kiseop @KiSSeop91
Kevin @Kevinwoo91
Eli @u_kisseli
Soohyun @ukissSH
One reason that a lot of Korean artists are doing heavy marketing in Japan is partly financial reasons. You may have noticed that music is VERY expensive in Japan. A single album costs the same amount as a mini album which costs the same amount as a full album and let’s not mention just how much a FULL ALBUM from your favorite artist costs. Then there’s the fact they usually offer multiple editions with perks and some different tracklistings. Although it is quite sad to see them promoting more and more OUTSIDE of Korea when you would also like to see some Korean releases as well.
I also find that U-KISS doesn’t seem to get the love they deserve. I’m happy at least that they can get a larger international fan base even if they can’t gain as much recognition in Korea. That is one reason Supernova is seen more overseas. After a failed launch in Korea, the boys decided to tackle Japan before calling it quits and found lots of success. The Japanese market seems to accept these Korean groups that Korea doesn’t love as much. I was actually surprised to find that several Japanese groups that I have come to like in recent years are actually Korean and I never remembered hearing about them at all in the kpop world.
I really wish it was easier to get Japanese music in the US, but no such luck. It’s rare to find any place carrying new digital releases.
I suppose such is the plight of all K-pop/J-pop fans… It’s never easy to find exactly what you’re looking for!
I completely understand why U-KISS and other K-Pop bands tour so heavily in Japan, it just makes sense; I just wish U-KISS didn’t have such a hard time promoting their work in Korea. I really don’t understand why they’re not more widely accepted at home when their international fan-base is pretty amazing. I suppose as long as we, their international fans, continue to support them, they’ll continue to make music for us, whether it be from South Korea, Japan or anywhere else in the world. I’ve no doubt KISSMEs the world-over won’t care where the music is coming from, as long as it keeps coming.
Again I say, U-KISS, FIGHTING!
I keep realizing how awesome U-Kiss is. I am a fan too after attending their concert!
Aren’t they just amazing? I’m so jealous you’ve seen them live! Maybe some day I’ll get to… Until then, I’ll have to satisfy my UKISS addiction with more MVs.