“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
John Lennon via Bang Yongguk
KpopKolorado: Hi
Zombie: Sup?
missienelly: Woot woot! Heba! Let’s go!
KpopKolorado: So, I voted for 2NE1’s “Come Back Home” …did you guys have any other suggestions?
Zombie: It works for me. If you want, we can do that and “Happy” since they both came out this week.
KpopKolorado: Oh! That’d be great!
missienelly: I’m fine. I haven’t heard both songs so it’ll be a surprise once again for me
Zombie: So which do you want to start with?
KpopKolorado: Let’s start with EPICness first “Come Back Home” OVER 3 million views!!
Zombie: You got it!
missienelly: Okay I’m ready to watch!
KpopKolorado: Okay, watch it at your leisure and rewatch too I’ve already seen it a bunch of times and have watched reaction videos too..lol..also, the song is stuck in my head…it replaced all my B.A.P songs that are usually floating around in there :/
Zombie: I can’t count how many times I’ve watched this! And yes, it’s been stuck in my head for days!
KpopKolorado: #1 – fricking LOVE the reggae vibe that turns into TRAP..it’s just …mmm – can I use “delicious” to describe it? #2 – CL looks amazeballs #3 – I’m really not comfortable with that dude laying on Dara nor his drug use :/
Zombie: Doesn’t she though? I’m totally jealous! She pulls off looks I could only dream of rockin’. And yes, “delicious” is a perfect word to describe this song… Every time I listen to it, I get chills! As for the dude… He reminds me of someone you’d find in Total Recall or some such sci-fi movie.
missienelly: Holy mother of pearl! The song is freaking awesome!!!! The music is really great! It has mixture of ballad, reggae and hip hop. The tune is great!
KpopKolorado: YAY! I’m glad you love it!
Zombie: How could you not love this song? I think you’d have to be dead!
KpopKolorado: kekekek Zombie
missienelly: I’m hard to please because I have music background. Once the music is off tune, my hearing will rejects it.
Zombie: In my opinion, this song is a stroke of musical genius, but what do I know?
missienelly: I agree… There isn’t much of synthesizer used in this song. Most of it are pre-recorded parts added together into one awesome music. And the rapping part! Don’t y’all love it? GD came to mind!
Zombie: There’s definitely some YG flair in this MV! What I want to know is why the rapping in the MV isn’t in the album version of the song? Did 2NE1 do what B.A.P did with “1004,” adding bits of “Save Me” to the MV for “1004” to pique your interest and compel you to buy the entire album? ‘Cause it worked!
missienelly: Yes, I hear it too although I’m not sure from which song though…
KpopKolorado: #4 – My mind went crazy existential after watching this MV so many times. I started thinking about the John Lennon quote that B.A.P’s Bang Yongguk dropped on us this weekend and I believe it fits this MV so well: “ A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” It’s obv that 2NE1 came together to fight this ‘Virtual Paradise’ that everyone is being sucked into instead of living in actual reality, amiright? It’s a great message that these Kpop idols are sharing with us and even giving us a tool: Power in numbers. ♥
missienelly: I cannot agree more. Great message. Beautifully executed. And to remind us that we (the fans) are still on their mind.
Zombie: Totally. I think that’s what makes this MV so powerful (aside from the lyrics and the raw emotion with which they’re delivered)… There’s a very definite message there and the way they portray it… WOW! It practically punches you in the face with its awesomeness! Of course, I’m a total sci-fi nerd so the concept of this MV makes me giddy on its own…
KpopKolorado: lol..I’m not, but the sci-fi-ness of it is most epic It really makes me wonder how much of the MV they lost to whatever the technical issue was that lead to it being delayed in its release. Like the end seems very cut off to me.
missienelly: I’m not into sci-fi at all so it’s a sort of weird looking MV to me but after watching it several times now, I sort of get it. Sort Of. But what impressed me the most is their vocal! Extremely strong! One of the best girl kpop groups to date!
Zombie: I couldn’t agree more! I’ve never been much of a girl groupie but I have to say, “Come Back Home” has found a place in my K-pop rotation. I really love it!
KpopKolorado: Here here!
Okay, now I wanna talk about something dumb… Dara’s poor hair :/ She was chatting on Naver LINE so much about how the bleaching caused breakage and how she didn’t cut her bangs..it just sort of broke off that way and now I see why. Ugh..poor baby – especially up against all of the epic hair-ness in this MV and the next one we’re gonna watch. Can you even imagine the pressure of being a K-Idol and having your hair break off while you’re in the middle of a comeback? aaacck!! I’d lose my sh*t
Zombie: Ugh! I totally feel her pain… I’ve experienced that myself recently… *coughbluehaircough* It’s never cool to have your hair go weird but when you’re an idol and you’ve got a gazillion fans nit-picking over every little detail… Poor Dara!
missienelly: Funny, I actually find her hair cute! I have done something like that… Wait, was it last year? Yeap yeap, sort of fried hair style lol
KpopKolorado: She’s so adorable, no matter what and her fans adore her, and she’s otherwise perfect, so *Dara HWAITING!!!*
missienelly: Yeah, I have no complaint. No fuss. I accept it whatever… What’s important is the presentation. The music. The song. The voice. That’s all that matters. They have to show that they too are as great as BB.
Zombie: Plus, she’s got the confidence to rock any hairstyle. I’m pretty sure if she’d never said anything, the public would have just gone with it. I know I would have.
KpopKolorado: Actually, her response on LINE was to the fans who were somehow not okay with her ‘cutting her hair’ or ‘having bangs’… :/ Fans can be brutal
missienelly: What? That’s disappointing. She’s cute and I adore her style. Yes. We are not brutal.
Zombie: Oh good grief people! Have you never done anything fun or different with your hair? Do you seriously expect these poor idols to maintain perfectly long, healthy, beautiful hair when you demand they dye it crazy colors on a regular basis? Have you no idea what that does to your hair? I’m amazed so many of these girls have found a way to keep their hair in tact, though I suspect more than one of them have resorted to extensions. I just don’t see how it’s possible to have hair that amazing when it’s blue, or pink, or completely white or whatever. Can’t you just be happy with your idols as they are and let them do what they can to ensure they’re not bald in five years??? smh
missienelly: This is my 6th time hearing “Come Back Home” tonight. I’m more than satisfied! Is this their comeback song? Come back home? Comeback song?
KpopKolorado: YASSSS! The hashtag is #2NE1COMEBACKHOME if you’d like to support them
Did you guys see the YouTube link I posted a couple of times today on Twitter? 2NE1 broke the internet with this comeback!! How epic is that?!!
Zombie: DAEBAK!
missienelly: Sorry, I missed your tweets but as I opened the clip, I saw it already received 3 million hits! Daebak! Massive Epic. What an impressive comeback to reach 3 mill in just 4 days. Obviously, it is a huge hit!
Zombie: I’m super happy for them! It’s got to feel so good, making a comeback and having it met with such incredible support and not just at home, but worldwide.
KpopKolorado: Yeahhh! We’re all happy so let’s go watch HAPPY ! kekeke
Zombie: Nice segue!
KpopKolorado: Thanks, I try…
Note to readers: This chat has suddenly gone completely dead…lol..
not sure if because the others are stunned by Happy or if they are desperately trying to find something to like about it…
…tick tock tick tock
missienelly: LOL I’m trying to be happy… trying!
Zombie: Hey! I was simply enjoying the MV before I started chatting again… It makes me H.A.P.P.Y. I feel like I’m watching a musical comic book.
missienelly: Yeap, and all the pop ups… H.A.P.P.Y *finger heart*
KpopKolorado: Ugh, guess I’m the only one who actually got depressed from “Happy” :/ I feel like the song should have started from where CL has the Barbarella hairdo and is rapping. Everything up to that point musically was like watching a not-so-funny, colorful, Folk song MV…and I jinjja hate folk music
Zombie: LOL! Compared to the epic awesomeness of of “Come Back Home,” “Happy” just falls flat.
missienelly: To be honest, I would have liked “Happy” had we watch it first. It’s a bleh… It doesn’t suits them, doing a girly song. They are hardcore girls with strong vocals, I wanna go back to “Come Back Home.”
Zombie: I can see my 10-year-old bobbin’ along to this song but for me, I prefer the hard-hitting songs like “Come Back Home” to the poppy, happy-sappy songs like “Happy.” Though, I have to say, I’d love to have some of the pieces of their wardrobe for this MV… and their convertible!
KpopKolorado: The only bright spot for me in this fake happiness video is all of the precious screen caps you’ll get! To me it seems like someone told them “Look guys, we’re kinda sick of all the depressing sh*t, so let’s make an upbeat, summer MV.” It’s like 40 degrees and they are trying for ‘balmy.’
Zombie: That’s exactly what this seems like to me which has me a little bit worried. I mean, if YG can tell 2NE1 to do something like this and they comply, what the heck is YG gonna make BIG BANG do when they make their comeback later this year? Yikes!
KpopKolorado: hhaha! IKR? YG: “Hey, BigBang, we needa talk…we’re super sick of all the depressing sh*t we’ve been watching for months, like “Missing You”, “Doom Dada”, “Miracles of December”…it’s time for a peppy, summer MV.”
BB: “Uh whut?”
Zombie: LOL! That would only be okay if they came out with a song more epic than “Fantastic Baby.” I’m keeping my fingers crossed that GD will be like, “No sir, we’re doing what we want. Thank you very much.” I think he’s the only one who could ever get away with that…
missienelly: Let’s not get depressed yet… Can we admire this shoe for a moment? Love!
KpopKolorado: BHAHAH!!! Most awesome Nelly! The mark of a truly bad MV: Focusing on their shoes…
missienelly: That IS one killer, shoe Jenn!!!!!
Zombie: *drools* Like I said, there are several pieces from their wardrobe that I’d love to have. Those shoes are definitely on that list!
missienelly: Word!
Zombie: I guess since there are no boys to drool over this week, we have to resort to drooling over shoes…
missienelly: Our last resort, Leah. It keeps us sane *wink*
KpopKolorado: Guys, why are the Kpop songs all coming out with a token white person in them? CNBLUE and now 2NE1..oh wait..I see a Hispanic family at the end of this MV..okay wheew!
(btw this is a rhetorical question..meant only for the sake of humor :))
For fun, I was imagining an American girl group, like Dixie Chicks or w/e – doing an MV and just hanging all over some Korean dude…uh..pretty sure there would be riots or sth
missienelly: IKR? I don’t get it… To attract international fans?
Zombie: Bwahahaha! There might be if that dude happened to be Kim Woo Bin…
KpopKolorado: omgogogog WooBINNN!!! Okay, give me a minute to put that thru my imaginarium….
oymyJEEBUS NOOOOO! kennot process!
missienelly: Oh geez, eonnie *rolling eyes*
Zombie: Hence the riots…
KpopKolorado: hehehhee
missienelly: So obviously, we all agree that “Come Back Home” is wayyyyyy better than “Happy” but I’m a little confused with their concept. Two MVs, two opposite concept and the songs are completely different. There is no correlation between the two, unlike their previous album. As a fan, I’m lost.
Zombie: Yeah, I’m not really sure what they were going for with this duo, except maybe it’s just what they were told to do. “Here, do this dark MV for the older fans and then release this poppy MV for all the kids out there who just wanna have some fun.” Lamesauce! I’ll take the dark and edgy over the poppy any day of the week!
KpopKolorado: Yah, can I be brutally honest for a mo? I bought the entire album on iTunes, but already deleted “Happy.” :{ It doesn’t play well with the other songs on this album or with ANY songs in my iTunes for that matter.
missienelly: “Happy” just not happy for me now. I’m more depressed. Back to “Come Back Home”
KpopKolorado: lolz… Should we go back to the shoe pic Nelly?
missienelly: Now we’re talking!
Zombie: Maybe we should just go back home…
KpopKolorado: Yah, let’s rewatch “Come Back Home” and call it a night
I’m a big fan of Comeback home. I tried listening to Happy again… It just doesn’t cut now! It’s a shame.
I guess that just proves not every song can be a winner. Still, “Come Back Home” is epic enough it makes up for “Happy.” Right?