This morning, while working on tomorrow’s “K-Pop One-Stop” I stumbled upon Kim Jin Ho’s “사람들” (aka “People”) and the song is so incredibly beautiful, the thought of this song going unnoticed by the world was so heartbreaking, I had to make sure I did my part to make sure that didn’t happen.
“People” is one of only a handful of songs that literally leaves me breathless. Kim Jin Ho’s voice is so amazing and the emotion he conveys through this song has stirred my very soul, leaving me with my heart pounding and tears welling in my eyes. I seriously cannot listen to this song without getting goosebumps. It’s just that good.
The title track of Kim Jin Ho’s second album, “People” is one of the nine tracks on the album written and composed by SG Wannabe’s lead vocal
and if it’s any indication of what the rest of the album holds, it’s probably safe to say this entire album is amazing. If soul-stirring ballads are your thing, you’re definitely going to want to check out People and even if they’re not, you need to give this song a listen. I can almost guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
Wah that was beautiful. TT.TT Thank you for sharing. I’m going to try and find the album.
You’re very welcome! Isn’t this song just amazing? I love it! I don’t know if it helps, but I know the album is available in the U.S. iTunes, you just have to search for it in Hangul. Hope you can find it! ^^