I have no idea how many of you have been watching Defconn and Hyungdon’s latest reality show, Hitmaker but even if you haven’t taken the time to watch the show, you should still be able to appreciate the hilarity of their latest creation.
What inspired this comedic duo to undertake the task of creating a revolutionizing the idol music scene by taking a bunch of idols and turning them into a group of “tough, strong, manly men” is a bit of a mystery but I can tell you that, wherever this inspiration came from, it’s been absolute gold! I seriously can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard while watching anything but Hitmaker
itself isn’t why I’m writing this post. What I really wanted to write/laugh/squee about is the group and song that have come about because of Hitmaker and that would be Big Byung and their hilarious, yet impressive single, “Stress Come On!”
Oh my goodness! I really can’t watch the video for this song without rolling on the floor in laughter. It’s just so funny and what makes it so, is watching Sungjae from BtoB, N and Hyuk from VIXX and Jackson from GOT7 trying to be this “manly” group of baby thugs while rapping about things like the lack of pickled radish with their black bean noodles, ordering pizza without a coupon and being a member of Big Byung all of which, surprisingly enough, cause these boys all kinds of STRESS!
Seriously! This is just too good to be true! The entire video is one hilarious scene after another and no matter how hard I try, I cannot take these boys seriously. They just make me laugh so much and I LOVE them for it! Truly, they are four of the best sports out there, being willing to set aside their carefully groomed idol images to become Big Byung.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out Big Byung’s “Stress Come On!” you really should. It’s so funny and the boys are so adorably dorky that there’s no way to watch it without smiling. It’s an instant day brightener which is perfect for those of you who, like me, have recently gone back to the dreary world of school days, homework and… STRESS!
(haha) Of course once you do watch this video, I’d really like it if you’d let me know what you thought of it by leaving me a comment below. It’d be nice to know I’m not the only fangirl in the world laughing her head off right now… OH! And if you haven’t already, you should totally watch Hitmaker because seeing how Big Byung and this song came about is totally worth your time!