With today being Christmas Eve, I thought it only fitting to put aside my usual weekly posts for the week and take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
I hope you all get a chance to spend this most lovely holiday season surrounded by those you love, enjoying this magical time of year. May your holidays be filled with joy and laughter, warmth and love and all that is wonderful and good.
For those of you who may not like this time of year, or may not have anyone special to spend it with, I just want you to know you’re loved by one crazy, Hallyu-lovin’ zombie who thinks you’re pretty darn special and I’m so happy I get to spend a little time with you every time you stop by to read or squee with me.
So HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all you lovely readers! I wish you well and I hope nothing but the best for you and yours over this crazy, hectic, beautiful, wonderful time of year. *hugs*