Four weeks into Bride of the Century and I can finally calm my fangirl self down enough to really dig into what’s happening and boy, is there a lot so, let’s get to it!
The first thing on my mind this week, is how curious it is that Kang Ju’s grandmother seems to have some connection to the death of Choi Il Do’s first love. I’m not saying I’m completely convinced Kang Ju’s grandmother was the one actually responsible his father’s first wife’s death but the fact that his grandmother was there when the poor girl was found, suggests she at least witnessed the accident. This raises many suspicions for me, especially when I look back to prior conversations between Choi Il Do and Kim Myeong Hee, where she asks him if he still believes she’s responsible for his first wife’s death. Knowing now that Myeon Hee’s mother was at the scene of the crime, things certainly do look suspicious. We all know Myeon Hee is a conniving, scheming, plotting woman but is she capable of going so far with her schemes to deliberately take someone’s life? Was she really so desperate to fill the place at Il Do’s side that she plotted with her mother to remove his first wife from the picture? I’d like to believe she’s not that kind of person but seeing as how Ma Jae Ran and Yi Kyung are plotting Doo Rim’s demise, I guess it’s really not much of a stretch to imagine Myeon Hee would do the same.
Now that I think about it, Myeon Hee is currently plotting the demise of Yi Kyung so who’s to say this is the first time? Suddenly, I can very easily see Myeon Hee plotting the demise of Il Do’s first love because she shows no qualms about offering Yi Kyung up as the sacrificial first bride. She knows that the first wife of the first son of the Choi family is doomed, which is why she chose Yi Kyung rather than Roo Mi as Kang Ju’s bride.
And now I’m convinced Myeon Hee is the scariest woman in this entire drama… Sorry Sung Joo Shin (aka Ghost Lady), you’re nothing compared to a woman who’s willing to sacrifice others lives to get what she wants. Speaking of Sung Joo Shin, I think I’ve come up with an explanation as to why she appears to some as dark and sinister and to others as kind and loving… I think she’s an ethereal representation of human nature. Aren’t we all a mixture of good and evil? If we as humans are duplicitous by nature, why can’t a ghost be? To those she loves, she’s a kind and caring individual and to those who stand against her, she’s ominous and at times, just plain terrifying. I think it’s safe to say we’re all the same, to one degree or another so why should she be any different? I have to say, I was a bit surprised that she admitted so freely to Kang Ju that nothing he wanted could be gained without pain and sacrifice but at the same time, she didn’t actually come right out and say that his first wife had to die. He’s, of course, reading that into her answer but is it possible that the pain and sacrifice she has in mind is different from what Kang Ju is imagining? Only seconds before she told him that people only see and believe what they want to, could this be another instance of that truth? I hope, for Doo Rim’s sake, that it is. If there is any way around this curse, I want Kang Ju to find it.
Unfortunately, at the moment, all Kang Ju can do is distance himself from Doo Rim in the hopes that he can love her from afar and leave it at that. I’m not really sure how he can actually expect this plan to work, seeing as how both he and Doo Rim are absolutely miserable, but he’s at least trying. What broke my heart this week was Kang Ju’s confession to Doo Rim in the hospital. Ack! Talk about an overwhelming rush of feels! What made that entire scene even worse was knowing that Kang Ju still thinks Doo Rim is Yi Kyung! I wanted more than anything in the whole entire world to have to confess, then and there, that she wasn’t Yi Kyung but actually Doo Rim but no… She still feels the need to pretend. WAAAAAAEEEEE??? Kang Ju needs to know that Yi Kyung is the nasty piece of work he needs to drop like a bad habit and that Doo Rim is the “Yi Kyung” he’s actually in love with. Please drama gods… Please make this happen soon! The longer this is put off, the harder it’s going to be for Kang Ju to handle and he’s already got enough problems to deal with, he doesn’t need to add more!
As always, there’s so much more I could talk about but I’m going to save it for tomorrow’s chat; so tell me, what do you think about this week’s happenings in Bride of the Century? Do you think Kang Ju’s mom really had something to do with the death of her husband’s first wife or was her untimely death really the work of the family ghost? How long do you think Kang Ju will be able to go before he gives into his feelings for Doo Rim? When do you think he’ll finally learn the truth about her identity? As always, I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!
No kidding about all the feels! So many theories! I think the ghost is the true love of a former family member that was either not allowed to marry him or was killed by the family. I think she’s protecting them from their misguided ways. I don’t think Choi Il Do’s wife was killed by the ghost. I think she, too, was a victim of the greed that comes with being married into the family. Humans tend to be the bigger monsters, not the spirits. Choosing marriage partners on account of what assets they bring to the table is what ghost girl is against. She is manipulating the greed she sees in the people around Kang Ju and hoping that the honest, true and pure love between Kang Ju and Doo Rim will overcome it all. But she is still leaving the choices up to them (Take the bracelet or don’t. Chose pain and sacrifice to get what you want or go along with what everyone else wants for you.) I think the most frustrating thing I find is that everyone that knows of the twins and everyone that is interested in Kang Ju and/or his marriage has a plan. The only exception is Doo Rim. She’s really flying by the seat of her pants, not thinking things through. Her goals are so short term that it does make her seem less intelligent than the conniving people around her. I don’t particularly think that good/pure = no brains/naive. But that’s Dramaland for you!
I think you may be on to something with your ghost theory. Like you, I’m thinking she was once a love of someone in the Choi family and either she was denied her place within the family because she wasn’t good enough by family standards or she had her place but lost it soon after, due to some tragic accident. Either way, it’s been upsetting her for years and I’m pretty sure she wants nothing more than to help Kang Ju be free of his family and their constant attempts to control his life. I also agree with you when it come to Choi Il Do’s first wife. It seems to me the only beings cruel enough to take someone’s life, in this drama, are the women devoting their entire lives to plots and schemes. I do hope that Kang Ju can overcome all of the stigma surrounding this “curse” and move on, freely living his life as he sees fit (and hopefully with Doo Rim by his side).