Zombie: Oh my! It seems Kang Ju has finally decided to admit his feelings for Doo Rim… Yay! I just wish he knew that it was actually Doo Rim he loved. Having him be all adorable with Yi Kyung is just a sad waste of aegyo!
Shai: I wanted him and all his aegyo-ness to be in scenes with Doo Rim, but I guess it was to show how much he’s changed. *sigh* That scene with the lingerie was priceless lol
Zombie: Wasn’t it though? I would have loved to see that scene played out with Doo Rim instead of Yi Kyung. Doo Rim’s reaction would have been hilarious! It makes me laugh just thinking about it. Still, it was pretty funny.
Shai: It was the way Yi Kyung was staring that made me laugh. When she “left” he was a jerk, but now he’s being all weirdly lovey dovey (I just sang that btw)
Zombie: Haha! I love watching his transformation. It’s been relatively quick (well at least compared to others in Dramaland) but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been fun to watch! I’m convinced he has to be so much in love with her already because they’re going to have a whole mountain of obstacles to climb before the end. Of course, first he has to realize Yi Kyung isn’t the woman he’s actually in love with… Oh I hope he figures that one out soon! This whole separation from Doo Rim has me feeling very uneasy. Kang Ju needs Doo Rim badly and I really need them to be together again soon! (As in by next week! Please!)
Shai: I’ve been wondering why they’re having him change so quickly compared to other dramaland chaebols, this is a 20 episode drama and he’s not suppose to actually admit it to himself until like episode 12 lol This makes me wonder what’s really going to happen next since he’s already told himself he loves her. Well he has to find out that he’s been hanging around a Yi Kyung lookalike and she’s the one he loves, I know we’ll get at least a 3 episode separation once that happens (I hope not). Yes, Kang Ju needs Doo Rim with him right now and from the looks of this week’s episode previews, she’ll be back.
Zombie: I know it’s Dramaland law that any couple really in love has to endure some sort of separation, before they’re together for good, but this time it’s happening too early! I’m not ready for this! I still haven’t had my fill of watching Kang Ju struggle with his feelings for Doo Rim and now he’s admitted that he’s let her into his heart. It just seems kinda wrong… On the up-side, having him in love with her already has got to mean he’s going to be picking up on the differences between Doo Rim and Yi Kyung as they spend more time together. I mean, he has to notice, at some point, that these two may look-alike but are, in fact, total opposites, right? If he really loves Doo Rim, he’s got to figure out Yi Kyung is not the same as she once was and that makes me wonder what he’ll do once he learns the truth. Will he drop Yi Kyung like a bad habit and go looking for Doo Rim or will he just forget them both and try to move on? (And no, I don’t really expect him to do the latter but since this drama has thrown me a couple of curveballs already, I’m not writing anything off as certain just yet.)
Shai: Well once he figures out it’s 2 different people he’s going to start really noticing the differences, but he’s already seen one: the bracelet Ghost Lady (my nickname for her) gave Doo Rim. Yi Kyung gave an excuse, but once Doo Rim is back then he’s going to ask her about it again. I wonder what she’s there to tell him, at the end of episode 6, she shows up but he looks like he was expecting it. She was also wearing white so she’s in good ghost mode . She shows up to others wearing black and to Doo Rim in human form. I wonder what she wants to say, I know it won’t be about the switch but it has to be useful information for her to come as the good personality. I’m still sticking with the idea that she has a split personality until I’m proven otherwise.
Zombie: I don’t think she really has a split personality, I just think her involvement in this entire story runs deeper than any of us realize. I have a feeling Ghost Lady has been with Kang Ju for a very long time. I mean he’s the only person who doesn’t feel uncomfortable in her designated house. I think he’s been talking to this ghost for years and sees her as a friend. The previews for next week make it seem that she was the one who helped him escape his kidnappers all those years ago but that’s all just speculation at this point. What I do think is that this ghost is here to help Kang Ju more than she’s here to take the life of his first wife. Being a seemingly all-knowing being, she knows that Kang Ju needs Doo Rim and I think she’s working on a plan to bring them together. I think that’s why she appears in human form to Doo Rim, because it’s the best way for her to connect with Doo Rim in a way that won’t scare her off. I’m pretty sure this ghost wants Kang Ju to be happy more than anything and that means she’s got to find a way to bring him and Doo Rim together while at the same time, keeping everyone else in the world that’s scheming to fill the place at Kang Ju’s side, from getting in the way. I’m pretty sure this ghost is the one with the master plan and everyone in this story is just a pawn in her game.
Shai: I just thought of a theory while you were typing . What if this “family curse” isn’t really a supernatural thing, what if it’s directly caused by the family itself. We just learned that Il Do’s mother may be the one behind his first wife’s accident and her death just made the curse seem real since it’s happened before. We only know of how the original wife died and we barely got anything from that, it appears she fell off the cliff. I’m thinking Ghost Lady isn’t really evil, but somehow has to appear that way to get taken seriously. I am thinking that maybe she wants to help out the first sons of the family because they have to marry a woman whom their parents choose, but don’t actually want to go through with that kind of marriage. Il Do himself said he was shocked at how easily his mom approved of his marriage to his first love, but he realized soon after she died what his mom’s true intentions were and that was to marry him off to Myung Hee. I don’t know if I’m making sense anymore lol But what if this curse of the first wife of the first-born is nothing but the mothers trying to seek control over their sons and using the ghost ‘s known presence in that family as an excuse.
Zombie: I see what you’re saying and it’s a valid theory. Dramaland is full of manipulative mothers and Bride of the Century is no different. In fact, it has two mothers, both plotting to run their children’s lives and “take over the world” (so to speak). It’s very possible that all of the women in the Choi family have been out to live their children’s lives for them and have screwed up all of the ghost’s plans, for all these years. It really wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case. Still, I have to wonder about Kang Ju’s relationship with the ghost. Is he the first of the first-born who have had direct contact with the ghost or is he the first? If he’s the first, maybe this is the first time the ghost has actually set out to help. Maybe she’s always been resentful of never having the attention of the first-born and has caused problems in the past, more out of jealousy than anything. I mean she was deprived all of the love and affection of her husband and had to watch it go to someone else. Maybe after years and years of that, now that she’s found a son that will acknowledge her, she’s ready to stop hurting others and start helping. Maybe ghosts are fickle like that?
Shai: Hmmm…maybe Kang Ju is the first one to actually acknowledge and befriend her so she’s more than willing to help him. I know some thought she was a scorned ex or something, but perhaps she was the second wife who always saw her husband be sad over the loss of his first wife. I mean this still doesn’t explain why the first wives have always died, but it can explain why she’s playing matchmaker or maybe she was a first wife who was in an unhappy arranged marriage. I don’t think she’s evil because even a manipulative ghost wouldn’t be as happy she is whenever she can help Doo Rim and Kang Ju settle their issues. Discussing her motive is almost as confusing as the entire drama, Nine lol
Zombie: OH SNAP! I just had the craziest thought… What if there are actually two ghosts? One good. One evil. What if they’re in the same place Doo Rim and Yi Kyung are right now? What if one was supposed to marry the first husband but something happened and the other took her place? What if, after death, they’re still connected. One out to get revenge, the other out to help? I mean we do have a “black ghost” and a “white ghost” right? And the idea of a doppelgänger has already been introduced to explain the uncanny resemblance between Doo Rim and Yi Kyung. What if this isn’t the first time a doppelgänger has played a part in the Choi family’s history? Wouldn’t that be just about the craziest thing ever?
Shai: I’ve read the two ghost theory before, but yours is genius. I never thought about that. So according to your theory, do you think they’re working towards the same goal to make sure what happened to them doesn’t happen to someone else? While the “black” ghost can be out to kill the first wives, what if both are scheming to make sure Kang Ju gets with and stays with his first love? I mean, she did tell Yi Kyung she’d kill her if she were to marry Kang Ju.
Zombie: I don’t know if they’re both working to bring about a happy ending for Kang Ju but, if this theory was true, it would make sense that the “black” ghost would be more than happy to kill all of the other first wives while the “white” ghost sought to bring about peace. Maybe they’re struggling as much against each other as they are against the people who keep getting in the way of their plans?
Shai: What if the “black” ghost’s angle to get the family to see what they’re doing wrong, just in a more evil way while “white” ghost tries to do it a nicer way. I think ultimately, they’re trying to do the same thing since I can’t make a logical theory about why an evil ghost would tell her victim she was planning on killing her. What if they were testing Yi kyung to see how strong her feelings were and she left because of that, showing that she didn’t love Kang Ju.
Zombie: It’s certainly a valid possibility. I suppose only time will tell us what’s really going on here but it’s certainly fun to theorize. Whatever the case, there’s no denying Kang Ju has been aware of the family’s ghost for a long time. What will come of this relationship in the future? I’m not really sure but I hope it will bring Doo Rim and Kang Ju back together… Maybe in a way none of us expects. It would certainly be fun to see Kang Ju run into Doo Rim at her new restaurant in Seoul and have to do a double-take!
Shai: Once Doo Rim opens that restaurant, that will be the only place in Seoul to eat lol It will be interesting to see if he does go there and watch her try to escape lol But we do know she does return so how do they get her to come back? She only thought they’d need her one time and that’s it, what does Jae Ran and Yi Kyung do to get her to return. Oh speaking of Jae Ran, I think her plan isn’t going to work. If Doo Rim marries Kang Ju as Yi Kyung and dies then so does Yi Kyung,unless there’s something I’m missing from this plan.
Zombie: My theory on that plan was to have Doo Rim actually die but not let anyone know about it. I saw Doo Rim lying in the hospital, in critical condition and one night she would quietly pass away and be immediately replaced by Yi Kyung who would then, miraculously wake up and be fine. Now that that’s not an option, I’m not really sure what the point of having Doo Rim in Seoul would be. It seems to me that having her in the same city as Kang Ju is just asking for trouble. I would have thought it would have been a whole lot better to keep her as far away from Kang Ju as possible but maybe I’m just crazy…
Shai: Her plan is heavily flawed , even if Doo Rim did die it wouldn’t be quietly since his family would obviously know about it. So her plan ultimately wouldn’t work if everyone knows she died. Yes, having Doo Rim move to Seoul is a terrible idea because Kang Ju is bound to run into both of them.
Zombie: And not just Kang Ju… Having Doo Rim in Seoul is going to give Yi Hyun a whole lot of time to be with her and that’s going to cause some problems, especially since he’s already developed some pretty strong feelings for her. As fluttery as my heart got this week, watching Yi Hyun suddenly run after Doo Rim when she left the house, I feel so bad for him. He’s never going to end up with Doo Rim and yet they’re completely adorable when they’re together. This is why I suffer from second-male lead syndrome on a regular basis. These second leads are just too darn cute!
Shai: I’m not suffering from that here, but I do have a soft spot for Yi Hyun. He’s being used and manipulated and he just wants a loving family. I loved it when he visited Doo Rim and her grandma, he looked like he was getting emotional over the food and how nice she was. His feelings for Doo Rim isn’t love, he just hasn’t been around someone as warm as she is so he’s mistaking that for being romantically attracted to her.
Zombie: I agree with you on that score. I think he’s been without genuine affection for so long, he can’t help but be drawn to Doo Rim’s warmth. Unfortunately, I don’t think Yi Hyun would agree with us on this one and that means he’s bound to suffer quite a bit as he watches Doo Rim come to acknowledge her feelings for Kang Ju. Poor guy! I wish there were someone in this drama meant for him but at this point, I’m not seeing it. *sigh* Please don’t tell me this is going to be yet another drama where the second male lead is left to live the rest of his life in miserable, heart-broken solitude! I’m not sure I’d be able to handle that kind of fate for Yi Hyun. He really needs somebody to love.
Shai: If they end this drama with my Yi Hyun oppa all alone and sad, I’ll hate this writer forever no matter how good of an ending the OTP gets. I can’t take it when the second leads end up lonely and wallow in their misery. Now, I don’t care if Roo Mi ends up lonely and depressed, I want to see her jump into the Han river.
Zombie: You and me both! I have very strong feelings when it comes to Roo Mi and none of them are friendly. The only way I would ever be happy, seeing her with Kang Ju, was if there was a guarantee the curse was real and she died two seconds after she said “I do.”
Shai: Well he does ask her to marry him in the next episode now that he overheard his parents talking, but she knows about the curse so I’m not too sure what will happen next. I know his father will tell Yi Kyung (Doo Rim) why Kang Ju is breaking off their engagement. Roo Mi can die off right after she gets that ring on and I won’t even care. She’s so bitter, I can see why Myung Hee likes her.
Zombie: I don’t see why anyone likes her! How could Kang Ju spend all those years with her and never once realize she’s such a nasty piece of work? I guess he deserves some credit, having never had any feelings for her but still, wouldn’t you want to distance yourself from someone like her? I was going to suggest she was just really good at wearing different masks around different people but she’s revealed enough of her true self to Kang Ju in the past six episodes to make me think Kang Ju knows exactly what kind of person she is. Perhaps the only reason he hasn’t gotten rid of her is because everyone else in his world acts the same way, so he has no idea that there are people in this world who don’t put on a show just to impress him. Maybe that’s why he’s fallen for Doo Rim so quickly, because he’s drawn to her genuineness, even if he can’t figure out all of her spazzy moments. Even as she was acting as Yi Kyung, the real Doo Rim was never hidden.
Shai: Remember, Roo Mi has been Kang Ju’s only friend for so long that he just deals with it. He hasn’t been the nicest person either so she probably thought they had the same goal in mind. Though he was quick to cut her loose once he found out she was the one who posted the cake eating video so at least we know he does have issues with her underhanded methods. I think Kang Ju has also fallen for Doo Rim so quickly is because she stands up to him and tells him the truth about himself. Yi Kyung got upset, but never once stood her ground while Doo Rim is the complete opposite.
Zombie: Again, Doo Rim is being completely open and honest. There is no pretense with her. She says what she wants, does what she wants and isn’t afraid to put anyone in their place when they’re doing something she deems wrong. That’s not something people do in Kang Ju’s world. Schemes and underhanded dealings are what the foundation of his life is built on (just look at his mom) so Doo Rim is like a breath of fresh air. This is why I’m so worried about the moment Kang Ju uncovers the truth about her. Once he learns that she, even if only for a while and for a good cause, lied to him about being Yi Kyung, he’s going to be hurt and it’s not something he’s going to be able to get over easily, especially once he realizes it was Doo Rim he fell in love with in the first place.
Shai: He did tell her that everyone wants to use him because of his position and said she was no different. We know she’s not the real Yi Kyung, but that is the reason why Jae Ran wanted to marry her daughter off. The Choi family has money and it’s the dream position of many single women. He’s afraid of being hurt and yeah, this is will crush him. He’s going to think she’s no different from anyone else who wants him for his money. Which is why the separation will come and those will be very depressing episodes
Zombie: I’m still holding out hope that Kang Ju will realize that despite what her actions may seem to have been, her feelings for Kang Ju developed not out of a desire for money or power but out of a genuine love for Kang Ju himself. Doo Rim isn’t having troubles sleeping at night because she’s afraid she might not become the daughter-in-law of some massive conglomerate, she’s sleepless because she can’t get Kang Ju out of her head. That’s going to make a big difference in the long run.
Shai: I would love to be optimistic about this, but his reaction to the stolen ring was foreshadowing the inevitable. He said that it’s always the ones closest to you, he fired his assistant on the spot and automatically went to yell at Doo Rim when he saw that 10 second clip Roo Mi showed him. He’s going to blow up and it isn’t going to be pretty, but I am hoping he sees Doo Rim’s true feelings in all of this. I think her grandmother will play cupid to them in the end.
Zombie: As upset as Kang Ju was about the ring, I was happy to see that he didn’t just kick Doo Rim to the curb. Yes, he was upset and yes, he wanted to step back and think about things but he didn’t just up and say “Get outta here, I never want to see you again.” This makes me think that when the time comes, he’s going to be mad at Doo Rim but he’s going to step back and look at things objectively before making an executive decision as to what to do with her. Remember, he is growing as a person, since being with Doo Rim and the life-lessons she’s taught him already aren’t falling on deaf ears. I have hope that this will make a world of difference when it comes to Kang Ju discovering the truth.
Shai: Yes, I am so happy he took a break and let things play out and in the end he did apologize. I’m hoping this is what also will happen when he finds out about her real identity. With how much time he’s spent with her, he’s learning something about sincerity and forgiveness so let’s just hope this plays into that moment when they briefly separate.
Zombie: Now that he’s apologized once, it should become easier for him to do it again. *fingers crossed* And now for something completely random… I seriously want to go make kimchi and roasted sweet potatoes after watching these two episodes! Good grief! They make that look so yummy! I’m dying to try it now!
Shai: I think during that point, his father will be the voice of reason. Oh, I’ve been wanting to try kimchi and roasted sweet potatoes since Doo Rim first ate them lol That looks really good. I wanna know where to get that from now.
Zombie: I have a feeling I’ll be making that very soon… In the meantime, I’ll be eagerly awaiting next week’s episodes. Once again Bride of the Century has left me hungry for more. (See what I did there? Nice pun… *coughI’madorkcough*)
Shai: Hahaha! Well we may get the episodes earlier, remember the episodes have been moved to Friday-Saturday nights at 11PM. Now I want some more food even if I was eating ramyun during half of this conversation.
Now that Shai and I have made ourselves ridiculously hungry, we’re off to find tasty snacks but that doesn’t mean this conversation has to end. Feel free to chime in with your own thoughts, theories and whatnot by leaving us your comments below!
I love to read all your theories on the ghost lady. I really hope that she is sincere in trying to help Doo Rim to be together with Kang Ju. Apart from all the DR and KJ scenes, my heart really melted during the scene where Kang Ju and his Dad were eating that sweet potatoes and kimchi. (The crunchy sound of the kimchi really made me hungry). And I soo love the part where KH’s dad fed his son the sweet potato… Here’s one drama where the cheabol father is so loving and warm hearted, which we don’t see much in other kdramas. Am loving every bit of BotC!
Oh, so am I! I can’t get enough of this drama! Like you, I love the warm, friendly relationship Kang Ju has with his father. He’s such a friendly guy, playing games with Doo Rim and eating snacks with Kang Ju. It’s just Kang Ju’s mother that tends to get in the way and make things awkward and uncomfortable for everyone. Typical! LOL I’m glad you liked reading our theories on the ghost. I’m not really sure what’s going on with her but it’s fun to theorize! Do you have any theories of your own? I’d love to hear them!
I do not have any theories in particular, but I love reading others’. Perhaps the ghost was wronged by the great2 grandparents of the Choi family… but it is quite a puzzle why she is helping Doo Rim and Kang Ju. I guess I am not creative and imaginative enough… hehehe. Can’t wait to find out what is the real deal.
I can’t wait either! The days between episodes seem to drag on forever! I guess that just proves how good Bride of the Century really is!