Because there’s no such thing as too many drama reviews, Hallyu Tanya and I are back with another video drama review and this time, we’re laughing over the hysterical new sitcom, Boarding House No. 24. Join us as we squee over idols, laugh at the hilarity of this whole crazy show and roll our eyes at all the canned laughter. (Please! Someone tell the producers that stupid canned laughing HAS TO GO!)
So tell us, what did you think of this first episode? Were you rolling on the floor like I was or was this over-the-top comedy really not your thing? Do you have a favorite character yet? Is there an idol acting in this sitcom that you’re squeeing over? (We all know who Zombie’s favorite is…) Were you at all creeped out by the boarding house owner? Are you as intrigued by Do Hee as we are? We’d love to hear your thoughts so be sure to leave us a comment below!
You could also continue this discussion by tweeting at us @Hallyu_Tanya and @TheZombieMamma because, you know, we’re social media junkies and we love getting tweets.
You are so right about that awful laugh track. I nearly fell off my chair the first time I heard it, ugh so terrible. But it is a cute show and it’s fun to watch kpop stars acting together. The boarding house owner is way creepy but also a bit lame. My current favorite is Ken.