I don’t know how this week has been for you but for me, it’s been an absolute nightmare. In an effort to salvage what little sanity I have left, I decided to go back in time and pull up a drama whose very name invokes all manner of warm-fuzzies for me, in the hopes that those warm and pleasant memories would be strong enough to drive all of the crappiness of this past week away. While I can’t say this desperate attempt to forget my life for a moment has been totally successful, the memories I have of sitting down to watch my very first K-Drama, and the feelings that inevitably followed, were enough to bring about a few moments peace which is why I’m now suggesting you make the time to marathon My Princess this weekend.
Released in January, 2011, My Princess is the story of a typical college student, Lee Seol (Kim Tae Hee), who is shocked to learn that she’s the only living descendant of the last emperor of Korea. Living in an alternate reality where the South Korean government is looking to set itself up as a constitutional monarchy, Lee Seol soon finds herself forced into a world unlike any she’s ever known. As the Crown Princess of South Korea, Lee Seol is forced to learn everything a princess must in order to represent herself and her country well. Naturally, the only person available to teach Lee Seol everything she needs to know is the jerky, self-centered son of a chaebol, Park Hae Young (Song Seung Hun), who’s doomed to lose everything, should the monarchy actually take over.
In true K-Drama rom-com fashion, Lee Seol and Hae Young’s relationship morphs from hate to love as the story progresses, with just enough bumps along the way to keep things interesting. Being a fan of the alternate reality/monarchy rules Korea story-line in general (yes Goong I’m lookin’ at you), I have no problem accepting a story-line that feels more like the Korean version of The Princess Diaries than anything else.
My Princess is cute, funny and an absolute treat when you’ve spent the past week feeling down and you’re now in the need of a little pick-me-up. Of course I am a bit biased as My Princess was the drama that sent me down the rabbit hole but even without my bias, this drama is one I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Happy marathoning!
Already seen My Princess? Just finished marathoning it? I’d love to know what you thought of it so be sure to leave me a comment or two below!
I loved My Princess. It’s one of my favorite dramas. Actually, it was my first time actually noticing Song Seung Hun even though I have seen in him the movie, He Was Cool before. I just didn’t recognize him until this drama. On top of that Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Hun make such an adorable couple and their kisses make me swoon, especially that last airplane kiss. I wish they are a couple in real life, but ah well, they aren’t. I didn’t like all the political drama too much and I don’t even understand it. Park Ye-jin was such an evil person throughout the drama that I felt she never deserves love from anybody even from my long time crush, Ryu Soo Young. Why did Ryu Soo Young have such a crappy fate? The scene that I replay the most was when Kim Tae Hee ran away from Song Seung Hun because she couldn’t forgive him for possibly harming her father. They have a phone conversation and Song Seung Hun sheds tears of frustration and hurt. That scene really got me. Their kiss on the stairs also deserves many rewinds where Song Seung Hun says, “from now on, forget this.” Yeah, right, forget this? How can any woman forget that? Love the drama even though it had low ratings.
I’m convinced that sometimes viewer ratings are just completely wacky! How can you not like such a cute story and such an adorable couple? You’re so right! Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Hun are without a doubt, one of my favorite Dramaland couples. They’re just so right for each other in so many ways and their kisses… Well, let’s just say they blow the final kiss in Heartstrings out of the water! As for the political drama, I really could have done without it as most of the time I found it annoying (which may be why it got such low ratings…maybe everyone felt the same way) but I suppose we had to have something push the story and our OTP along. Still, My Princess will always be a favorite of mine, no matter what the ratings, simply because it was my very first k-drama. I won’t even mention how many times I’ve watched it. lol
Sadly, Heartstrings was such a disappointment. I looked at the final kiss with a weird face on. I think Park Shin Hye is one of the worse female actress kissers. It’s too awkward to watch her. Even Kim Tae Hee’s kisses with Lee Byung Hun in I.R.I.S. was hot! She’s a champion female actress kisser. When Kim Tae Hee played with Song Seung Hun’s eyelashes, I fell in love with Song Seung Hun’s eyelashes as well. I could swoon over this couple any day. Yes, I had no idea about what was going on in the political side of the drama, but I found it strange that Song Seung Hun’s character had to leave Kim Tae Hee as a result of the “final vote.” Huh? Oh well, keeping them apart politically was so annoying.
Honestly, I get annoyed every time any Dramaland couple has to separate before they can be together forever. Why Dramaland lawmakers? Why? I couldn’t agree with you more when it comes to Park Shin Hye’s on-screen kisses. They’re awkward at best. I can’t figure out if she’s just too inexperienced in real life kissing that it shows in her on-screen work or if she’s just really uncomfortable kissing someone who isn’t really her boyfriend. Whatever the reason, the pain of watching on of her Dramaland kisses is almost enough to ruin an entire drama. Sadly, Heartstrings has to be added to that list. As much as I loved Yong Hwa and Min Hyuk in Heartstrings I was disappointed in the lack of chemistry between Yong Hwa and Park Shin Hye. Lucky for us, Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Hun show us how it’s done in My Princess! I know exactly what you mean about the eyelashes! *swoon!* Strange political scenarios aside, My Princess is a fantastically adorable k-drama and I would love to see Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Hun together in a new project because I know it would be awesome. If only the drama gods would comply…
“Honestly, I get annoyed every time any Dramaland couple has to separate before they can be together forever. Why Dramaland lawmakers? Why?”
Yeah, I just finished Prime Minister and I and I am left with this feeling……
no hug or kiss in the end. Just a respectful handshake.
NNNNOOOOOOO! Why must drama writers torture us so? Honestly, they’re just so cruel some times.