This week brought with it the end of KBS2’s most recent time-traveling drama, Marry Him If You Dare. As I’ve spent the past eight weeks writing reviews on each week’s episodes for DramaFever, I’d think myself a slacker if I didn’t recommend Marry Him If You Dare for your weekly dose of drama.
Starring Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong Gun and Jung Yong Hwa (swoon), Marry Him If You Dare tells the story of the time-traveling Na Mi Rae, a young call center employee who is surprised by a visit from her very disgruntled future self. Desperate to change her fate, the Mi Rae of the future braves all sorts of peril to travel back in time, in hopes of changing the past and therefore her future. What the future Na Mi Rae doesn’t know is that once she starts changing the past, there’s no telling what will happen to her future.
I could go in to all kinds of details about the characters and plot in this drama but I don’t want to ruin the suspense for those of you who are planning to watch it for the first time. (Well, that and I’ve already thoroughly dissected this drama for DramaFever’s Marry Him If You Dare Drama Club which you can read whenever you feel so inclined.) However, I will tell you that having the chance to watch Yoon Eun Hye and Jung Yong Hwa in the same drama is
pretty darn awesome. I’ve been a fan of Yoon Eun Hye since I first saw her in Lie to Me and (if you couldn’t already tell) Jung Yong Hwa is one of my biggest biases. That being said, I started watching Marry Him If You Dare just because I was curious to see how two of my favorite actors would interact on-screen and my fangirl side was intrigued enough to watch this drama through to the end.
As much as I would like to say Marry Him If You Dare is one of my favorite dramas, the truth is, it’s not. Once you start watching, you’ll understand why. It’s not that the show is bad (though the 4.1% viewer rating it garnered with its last two episodes might suggest otherwise) it’s just missing that something special that endears dramas to their viewers. Still, there are some lessons to be learned from Mi Rae’s antics and an underlying challenge to follow your dreams and find the courage to change your stars, which I really liked. Ultimately, that’s why I encourage you to make Marry Him If You Dare your weekend marathon. I hope you’ll come back afterwards to discuss it with me as I’m always ready to chat (or swoon over Yong Hwa) and I’d love to hear with you think of this drama. If you’ve already watch Marry Him If You Dare, I’d love to know what you think and if you haven’t, come back once you’ve finished and we’ll chat. Either way be sure to leave your comments below! Daume ddo bayo!