Today I’ve decided to go back to the year 2012 and pull up a lighthearted romantic comedy to recommend for this week’s drama to marathon… SBS’s “sequel” to KBS2’s Full House… Full House Take 2.
With a name like Full House Take 2, one would think that there would be some connection between this drama and its predecessor, Full House. Surprisingly, the only thing Full House and Full House Take 2 have in common is a very loosely interpreted underlying premise and their names. Yup, that’s it but if you’re willing to overlook the fact that Full House Take 2 shouldn’t really be considered a sequel to Full House, you’ll probably find the story to be pretty enjoyable. Full House Take 2 tells the story of an orphaned hapkido instructor, Jang Man Ok (Hwang Jung Eum) who, despite being raised by her grandfather in a dojang, has a passion for fashion. While her grandfather is away, Man Ok decides to set up an online fashion store in the dojang but, through a series of fateful events, Man Ok finds herself out of one business and into another as the personal stylist of a popular idol duo, TAKE ONE.
Comprised of Lee Tae Ik (No Min Woo) and Won Kang Hwi (Park Ki Woong), TAKE ONE appears to be a duo that has everything, a massive and adoring fan base, a thriving career, tons of cash and an unbreakable friendship but in reality TAKE ONE is nothing more than two lonely and miserable members who can’t stand each other. Enter Man Ok, the lively hapkido fashionista who enters Full House (the name of TAKE ONE’s home) and slowly whips these two boys into shape. Naturally, both members of TAKE ONE have to fall for Man Ok but only one will win her heart.
In typical rom-com fashion, a lot of what happens in Full House Take 2 is predictable but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to watch. There are enough original elements in the story to keep things interesting and the fact that No Min Woo is ridiculously good-looking (despite his crazy hair) doesn’t hurt anything. Being a fan of cheesy romantic comedies, I really enjoyed watching Full House Take 2 which is why I’m recommending it for your next marathon. It’s sweet, it’s funny and fun to watch which is enough to make it a winner in my book. Enjoy!
I thought about watching this many times…but I can’t….get…myself….to….start…knowing…that….this…could….be….really….cheesy….
It’s really not that bad. I actually really enjoyed watching it, though honestly, that might have to do with the plentiful supply of eye candy this drama provides. If you don’t go into it expecting it to be an actual sequel to Full House like I did, I think you’ll enjoy it more. The story itself is full of rom-com tropes but that doesn’t make it bad. Being a huge fan of the rom-com genera myself, I had no problems watching this one. I’d recommend you give it a try. You can always stop if the cheese starts to get to you!
I tried really hard to get through this. It took over a month and I still ended up skipping 5 of the last six episodes. Watching Kang Hwi go blind was too much for me. I tuned in for the final episode and then called it quits. Take Ik’s hair styles were varying levels of bad, which is too bad considering he’s a beautiful man (although painfully skinny), and I’m not sure why they had him actually sing in the show because his voice wasn’t all that great (but it might just be because it was a low budget drama), but I was still happy to see him show some growth by the end. Besides, he is easy on the eyes. It won’t rank up there with any of my favorites, but t certainly wasn’t one of the worst. It’s a good “filler” drama when you’re looking for something to watch while you’re desperately waiting for another episode of a currently airing drama.
Yup! That’s a perfect definition for this one. It’s nothing special but it’s not awful. I will admit the eye candy is awfully nice but that’s really as far as I can go with this one and if I’m being completely honest, there are other fluff and filler dramas I’d turn to before I went back to this one. *coughDream High 2cough*