Last month, Mama B and I decided it would be fun to pick a single drama, ask everyone to watch it, then come together at our next chat to really dig into that one drama. A lot of people thought that was a good idea and since so many of you told Mama B and I that we needed to watch MBC’s Lookout that’s the drama we decided to go with for this month’s chat. So here’s what we had to say about this rather addictive drama… Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 6”
KCON 2017 LA: “So Much Drama” Panel

I recently shared with you Young Ajummah’s video of one of the 3 panels I was on during KCON 2017 LA. Today I’m sharing with you a podcast of one of the other panels I was lucky enough to be a part of, KCON’s introduction to K-dramas panel, “So Much Drama.” Woohoo!
Continue reading “KCON 2017 LA: “So Much Drama” Panel”
I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s time, once again, for me and Mama B to talk about all the dramas we’ve been watching this past month. This month we cover everything from Oh My Venus to evil moms and pretty much everything in-between. Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 5”
KCON 2017 LA: “So Your Kid is a K-Pop Fan” Panel
As you all know, KCON 2017 LA has come and gone. As far as most people are concerned, it was a brief moment in time that flooded social media timelines with all sorts of insanity and then it was over. 끝! That’s it. Move on, it’s over. Well, for me, it’s not quite over. At least not yet. I mean I still have adventures to chronicle, articles to write, photos to edit and panels to share. Because let’s be honest, when you experience a weekend as epic as the one that was KCON 2017 LA, you kind of have to re-live it as many times as you can. Continue reading “KCON 2017 LA: “So Your Kid is a K-Pop Fan” Panel”
Believe it or not, it’s time, once again, for the KPopMama’s Mama B and I to get together for our monthly drama chat. This month we’re talking about some of our favorite things… steamy drama kisses, terrifying villains and our favorite (currently airing) drama, Suspicious Partner. Woohoo! Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 3”
KPopMama’s Mama B and I are back with the second installment of our monthly drama chat. This time around we discuss the ups and downs of My Secret Romance, the finale of Rebel, Thief Who Stole the People, Fight My Way and more. Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 2”
The amazing Mama B over at K-Pop Mamas and I have decided to branch out a little and try our hand at hosting a monthly drama live chat. In this first installment, we decided to talk about My Secret Romance, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People. Of course that doesn’t mean the conversation didn’t take some interesting turns along the way… Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 1”
Drama Ramblings with Zombie Mamma – Episode 6: Mermaids, Goblins and Squeals of Fangirl Delight
I know it’s been a couple of weeks since I last recorded one of these but that’s what happen when life decides to smack you upside the head. I’m doing my best to keep up with all of the general insanity that takes over this time of year but there are only so many hours in a day and just one me. (Which is probably a good thing, seeing as how I’m not sure how well the world would handle more than one me…) Despite all of the crazy in my world at the moment, I did manage to find a few spare minutes to sit down and ramble on a bit about a few dramas so here goes… Continue reading “Drama Ramblings with Zombie Mamma – Episode 6: Mermaids, Goblins and Squeals of Fangirl Delight”
Drama Ramblings with Zombie Mamma – Episode 5: Chatting With Drama Debussie
This week my most awesome and amazing friend, India (aka Drama Debussie) joins me for another episode of Drama Ramblings. Being the seasoned drama watchers that we are, we had more than enough to ramble on about and had a marvelous time in the process. Care to join us?
As I’m sure you could tell, India and I had a lot of fun recording this week’s podcast and I really hope I can talk her into joining me again for more ramblings in the future. *fingers crossed*
If you’d like to know more about India, I can tell you that she’s “a longtime obsessor of Asian dramas. Since 2003, India has created drama focused content for the blog, exclusively creates content for the Drama Debussie YouTube channel, has been the creator and host of Kpopstarz’s series The K-Drama Morning After, and is currently the co-host of the Hallyu-based podcast Drama Kandy. She also overuses reaction gifs on her Twitter in hopes to share her love of dramas with other drama fans.”
You can always hear more from India by checking out her website, following her on Twitter, or by giving her podcast a listen on Soundcloud.
Drama Ramblings with Zombie Mamma – Episode 4: A Chat With Young Ajummah
This week my very good friend, Sara (aka Young Ajummah), was kind enough to join me in my drama ramblings. Together we talked our way through our favorite actors dramas and drama tropes as well as the dramas and tropes we just can’t stand. We also took a quick detour to talk about Gong Yoo and his most recent and wildly popular film, Train to Busan, during which I revealed one of my darkest and most ironic secrets. *cue dramatic music* Continue reading “Drama Ramblings with Zombie Mamma – Episode 4: A Chat With Young Ajummah”