Believe it or not, the time has finally come to announce the winner of my very first “Best of” award. I promised I’d leave the choice solely up to you and you all responded by casting your vote for the K-Pop tune you loved most. Well the results are in and it’s time to announce the winner of THE BEST TUNE OF 2014. Are you ready for this? (Oooh! I’m so excited!) Drum roll please! Continue reading “THE BEST TUNE OF 2014: And The Winner Is…”
With today being the last day of 2014, I find myself looking back over the past year with a mixture of emotions that has me feeling all the feels and you know me, I have a hard time keeping feels to myself when they get this crazy so I’m here to share them all with you. Yippee!
This past year has been such an odd mixture of amazing and awful, not just in the world at large or the world of Hallyu but in my own personal life as well. I won’t bore you with all the details because I know we all have our own stories to tell and mine isn’t any more special or spectacular than any of yours but I will say this… Some of the single most amazing experiences of my life have happened in 2014. I’ve met so many wonderful people and made so many new friends, I’ve had opportunities open to me that have been mind-blowingly awesome and I’ve had a chance to make an unbelievable number of dreams come true. (Boyfriend, B.A.P, KCON, B1A4, 2PM, VIXX… Wow! How did a zombie ever get this lucky? I still have no idea!) In that respect 2014 has been one of the best years of my life but all of this amazing has been coupled with an overwhelming amount of miserable, so much so that I can’t help but cheer as I send this old year off with a flip of the bird and a figurative punch in the face. (If only you could punch a year in the face… That would make me feel so much better!)
At the same time, I welcome this new year with open arms and an unwavering hope that better things are yet to come; because as awful as this past year has been, and as hard as life has tried to steal my hope and rob me of my joy, I can sit here and say, with complete honesty, that life hasn’t quite gotten the better of me yet. Sure there have been days, many, many, many, many days when I’ve felt like giving up and letting the crap of life get the better of me but I didn’t. Miraculously I’ve survived, though not without “a little help from my friends” or more accurately, a whole flipping lot of help from my friends. Seriously, I would have never gotten through this past year without you lovelies and I want you and the whole rest of the world to know how much I love and appreciate you. (You know who you are.) YOU’RE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN A ZOMBIE LOVES BRAINS!
Before I get all sentimental and sappy I should probably wrap this up, I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you, my lovely readers, for spending this past year with me. You’ve all played a part in making the bright side of 2014 absolutely brilliant and I love you all for that. Seriously. Thank you! A thousand times over THANK YOU! I wish each and every one of you a bright, happy and prosperous new year. May it be a year full of light and laughter, friends and fun, hope, peace and joy. May it be a year better than you could possibly imagine, a year full of dreams come true and may the only drama in your life be the kind you watch and read reviews about online. *wink wink*
THE BEST TUNE OF 2014: The Choice Is Yours!
A couple of weeks ago I asked you all to help me decide which K-Pop song should be given the title, “Best Tune of 2014” and I promised that the choice would be left solely in your hands. As I’m sure you remember, I set up a series of polls which included every “Tune of the Week” featured in 2014, broken down by months, and asked you to vote for your favorites. Well the votes of those polls have been tallied and now it’s time for you to make your final decision. Which tune will win the title of “Best”? That, my friends, is totally up to you!
I can’t believe Christmas is tomorrow but it is and as I sit here munching on cookies, half-buried under the mountain of presents I have yet to wrap, I thought I’d take a moment to wish you all a Happy Christmas.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas full of all the wonder and joy that comes with this time of year. Be it friends or family, K-Pop or ultimate biases, I hope you enjoy a Christmas full all the things that make you most happy and I wish you all the best both now and in the coming year. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! 사랑해요!
THE BEST TUNE OF 2014: The Choice is Yours
With the end of the year fast approaching, I thought it’d be fun to do a “Best of 2014” post but rather than sit here and tell you which tunes and dramas I thought were the best, I decided it’d be way more fun to let you, my lovely readers, tell me instead. Hooray! Continue reading “THE BEST TUNE OF 2014: The Choice is Yours”
Musings of K-Pop Fangirl: The Dangers of Having an Ultimate Bias
You know, when I first got into K-Pop, I was a pretty casual listener. I’d find a group I liked, give them a listen, appreciate their music and move on. It was a simple life, full of good times and great music but as time went on and my love for K-Pop grew, I began to notice that some bands were stealing a bit more of my time and attention. At the time, I didn’t think much of this, as I chalked it all up to being a fan of the music, but as time went on I found myself skipping over different artists in, what I thought, was an innocent quest to find more music from artists that had somehow managed to catch my eye. Continue reading “Musings of K-Pop Fangirl: The Dangers of Having an Ultimate Bias”
Last night, B1A4 made the second of four stops as they make their “Road Trip” across the U.S., treating to BANAs and K-Pop lovers in the Chicago-land area to a show that was absolutely amazing. Continue reading “B1A4’s “ROAD TRIP” TO CHICAGO”

Well BANAs, I promised I’d show you how to make your very own bean sprout headband so here I am, with my very own step-by-step tutorial. Yippee! Now go get your crafty caps on and let’s make a headband! Continue reading “HOW TO MAKE A BEAN SPROUT HEADBAND”
BANAs and Bean Sprouts: Let’s Show B1A4 Some Love!
For some strange reason, every time a K-Pop concert is announced for Chicago, I’m overcome by a strange urge to unleash my crafty side and this time is no exception. I’m not really sure why, but knowing one of my beloved K-Pop bands will soon be wandering the streets of my own city makes me so happy, I just have to express that joy through crafts. (Don’t ask me why, it’s just how my strange, zombie-gnawed brain works.) However, this time , rather than invest a ridiculous amount of time, money and energy on a quilt that I will mostly likely spend the rest of my life agonizing over whether or not a certain idol received said quilt on his birthday… *cough*Himchan*cough* I’ve decided to focus my creative energy on something more for the fans. Though, if you think about it, this little idea of mine would be a great way to show B1A4 just how much their U.S. BANAs love them. Hmmm… I’m beginning to get an idea… Continue reading “BANAs and Bean Sprouts: Let’s Show B1A4 Some Love!”