Oh happy day! It’s finally Friday! I’m so happy this week is finally coming to an end, I’ve decided to celebrate with a playlist full of this week’s new K-Pop MV releases. Okay, so maybe I make a new playlist every week but whatever. I’m still gonna celebrate, just because I can! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: November 26 – December 2, 2016”
TUESDAY’S TEASE: So Many Dramas, So Little Time
The best thing about writing a post focused solely on all of the music and dramas that are soon to be released is that there is just SO MUCH to write about, especially this time of year. It seems like groups are constantly promoting new material and the dramas… Oh! The dramas! There are so many that have me squealing like the fangirl I am and they haven’t even started airing yet! Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: So Many Dramas, So Little Time”
K-POP ONE-STOP: November 19-25, 2016
I know I’m super late in getting this playlist up and the only excuse I have is that I fell into a turkey-induced coma on Thursday and didn’t wake up until this morning. What can I say? When I celebrate a holiday I really get into my celebrating! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: November 19-25, 2016”
Despite the fact that I am currently running through life at speeds that could rival The Flash, I had to take a few minutes to sit down and talk about all the new K-Pop goodness being teased at the moment because OH MY GOSH THERE’S SO MUCH NEW STUFF COMING I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT ALL! (Okay, so maybe the stress of the upcoming holiday is kinda starting to get to me…) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: BIG BANG, B1A4, Zico and More!”
CL In Chicago: A Zombie’s Quick Recap
I know I’m late to the party here but after a week of fighting off colds and celebrating birthdays and holiday prepping, I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down a write. (It’s a travesty, I know, but sometimes life happens, even for life-less zombies.) Still, I decided I couldn’t really pass up the chance to recount the memories I made while attending CL’s recent concert here in Chicago. I mean it’s not every day the Baddest Female makes an appearance in your city and when she does, it feels kinda wrong not to say anything about it. So here goes… A summary of my adventures of an unforgettable evening in Chicago with a handful of fantastic friends and CL. Continue reading “CL In Chicago: A Zombie’s Quick Recap”
K-POP ONE-STOP: November 12-18, 2016
It’s been a rough week for me as I’ve been simultaneously fighting off hell-bugs, celebrating birthdays and preparing for Thanksgiving but today is finally Friday and you know what that means… IT’S NAP DAY!!! Oh… No… Wait… Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: November 12-18, 2016”
TUESDAY’S TEASE: SEVENTEEN, UP10TION and Fantasy Dramas Galore!
I’m convinced the best way to fight off a cold is by overdosing on all things Hallyu. There’s really nothing better for the ailing fangirl than a solid day of drama watching and an overdose of K-Pop cuteness. (Or so I’ve been telling myself the past couple of days as I’ve laid on the couch willing my head not to explode…) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: SEVENTEEN, UP10TION and Fantasy Dramas Galore!”
K-POP ONE-STOP: November 5 – 11, 2016
I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am that it’s Friday. This week has been freakishly long and I’m so very, very happy that it’s finally coming to an end. Not that it’s been all bad, mind you. I mean I did get to go see CL last night, perform at the Chicago Theater and I get to go see Crush perform tonight at The Vic, but still… This has been one of those weeks where the only reason I’m still functioning is because I do have back-to-back concerts and all I can say is, thank goodness for K-Pop! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: November 5 – 11, 2016”
Sunshine On A Cloudy Day
As I sit down to write today, I have to admit that my heart is almost too heavy to do so. Having spent the entirety of this week watching people around me display the very worst of themselves. My heart has broken and my stomach has turned so often that I’ve almost given up all hope in humanity as a whole. But even in the midst of all this darkness, I’ve been able to find little rays of sunshine which have served to remind me that even when things are bad, and you feel like giving up, there is still goodness in the world, there are things that can still bring joy and that, in itself, is enough to give me hope. Continue reading “Sunshine On A Cloudy Day”
B1A4’s “Four Nights In The U.S. 2017” Tour Coming Soon

U.S. BANAs, are you ready!?! Everyone’s favorite bean-sprout sporting boy band, B1A4, has just announced they’ll be headed Stateside early next year, for a 4-stop tour that has me so excited I’ve been squealing non-stop since I first read the news this morning! Continue reading “B1A4’s “Four Nights In The U.S. 2017” Tour Coming Soon”