It’s Valentine’s Day and even though I’m fully aware that not everyone in the world enjoys this particular day, I do. I just can’t help myself. I love having a day dedicated to expressing the love I have for all the important people in my life. And yes, this includes you! Without you, my dear readers, where would I be? What would I be? Bored… Alone… A miserable freak of an outcast, grossly misunderstood by those in my life who can’t appreciate this undying love of all things Hallyu which is embedded deep within my soul… (Sorry, the holiday seems to be drawing out my inner ridiculously melodramatic poet. Go figure!) But back to Valentine’s day… In honor of this most lovey-dovey of days, I’ve put together a little playlist full of all the sweetest songs I could find, just so I could share them with you. Enjoy! Continue reading “HAPPY
DAY: A Sweet Little Valentine’s Playlist Just for You!”
TUNE OF THE WEEK: iKON “Love Scenario”
I’m pretty sure this week’s “Tune” comes as a HUGE surprise to… absolutely no one! Yeah… I know. I should probably work on keeping my biases more in check. But really, where’s the fun in that? Besides, with a song as flipping fantastic as “Love Scenario” well… There’s every reason in the world to be freaking out right now. So here. I. Goooooooooooo… Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: iKON “Love Scenario””
ZOMBIE’S TOP PICKS: January 2018
In my never-ending quest to come up with new and (hopefully) enjoyable content, I’ve decided to put together a collection of all my favorites from the past month. In part because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and also because I have a really hard time remembering things and I thought this would be a good way to remind myself of everything I’ve watched/listened to/ squealed over this past month. This way when I’m sitting down at the end of the year, trying to remember everything I loved about 2018, I might actually be able to come up with something more than a blank wall inside an empty brain. (Wouldn’t that be nice switch!) So to kick things off, here’s my list of January favorites. (Woohoo!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S TOP PICKS: January 2018”
Okay, so I know it’s been about a million years since I last let my inner fangirl out to squeal over a new K-Pop release; mostly because my head is stupid and looking at a computer screen for any amount of time kinda makes me want to rip it off. Despite all that head-ripping off, I feel it’s time to let my long-contained fangirl run free, at least long enough to squeal her little heart out over JBJ’s newest MV release, “My Flower.” Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: JBJ “My Flower””
With today being Halloween, I thought it only fitting to share my creepy K-Pop playlist today. After all, what better way to celebrate this most spooky of days with a playlist full of zombies, vampires, voodoo dolls and more? Continue reading “HAPPY HALLOWEEN!”
K-POP ONE-STOP: October 7-13, 2017
I know I’m a few days late with this latest playlist but OH MY GRACIOUS! Last week was one of those weeks when Mom Life takes over absolutely EVERYTHING and well, to be perfectly honest, I’m just happy I made it through without having a total meltdown! To celebrate the return of my somewhat normal schedule (and the fact that all the kids are back in school and I finally have a few minutes to myself) I thought I’d go ahead and share this new music playlist. After all, last week brought us some really, REALLY good music and it’d be a shame to miss out, just because my life had to go a little bit crazy. (And yes, I’m totally dancing like 2PM right now…) Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 7-13, 2017”
K-POP ONE-STOP: September 30 – October 6, 2017
Oh happy day! It’s finally Friday! That means it’s time for a new playlist full of new music. Woohoo! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: September 30 – October 6, 2017”
Ticket Info for BewhY First US Tour “The Blind Star” is Here!
It seems like just yesterday I was squealing over the fact that BewhY was coming to the States for his first U.S. Tour. At the time, I had no idea which cities he’d be visiting or when tickets went on sale, but it didn’t matter. All I needed to know was that BewhY was headed my way and if I was lucky enough, he’d be making a stop in my city. Of course once the initial shock wore off, I started wishing I knew when and where he’d be stopping on this momentous first tour. The good news is, SubKulture Entertainment has recently released all the info we need to start planning for this tour of awesome and I’m here to share it with you! Continue reading “Ticket Info for BewhY First US Tour “The Blind Star” is Here!”
K-POP ONE-STOP: September 23-29, 2017
Some days I have way too much fun making these playlists. Today was one of them. There were just so many great videos released this week, I kinda got distracted as I was working. Well, more than usual anyway. I guess on the bright side, that means we’ve got a whole lot of great music to listen to and that’s always a good thing! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: September 23-29, 2017”
SubKulture Entertainment Releases Venues and Ticket Pricing for 2017 SF9 BE MY FANTASY IN USA
It’s been a little over 2 weeks since SubKulture Entertainment first announced they’d joined hands with FNC to bring U.S. Fantasies a chance to spend an evening with their beloved SF9. Now that the shock of such amazing news has worn off, it’s time to start making plans to be a part of this unforgettable event. To help fans with just that, SubKulture has released both the venue and ticket information for this exciting, 3-stop tour. Woohoo! Continue reading “SubKulture Entertainment Releases Venues and Ticket Pricing for 2017 SF9 BE MY FANTASY IN USA”