While spending the night in a Korean spa is absolutely fantastic while you’re de-stressing in the sauna rooms, it doesn’t make for the best sleeping, unless you have the superpower that allows you to sleep soundly no matter where you are. (A superpower I, unfortunately, do not possess.) Even in the dark and supposedly quiet “sleeping room” I still spent a lot of time listening to people talking, TVs playing various K-dramas and even Henry’s “Fantastic” video (which I didn’t mind at all)
rather than sleeping. I know I dozed off a couple of times but by four in the morning, Tanya and I were both awake (the curse of being in L.A. while running on East Coast and central time) and ready to start our day. With most of the spa sound asleep, Tanya and I did the only logical thing one can do at four in the morning, we headed to the common area and grabbed a coffee and a bubble tea and enjoyed a little bit of quiet catching up time. From there it was back through all of the sauna rooms (and yes, the clay ball room was every bit as glorious as it had been the night before and surprisingly, so was the ice room) before getting cleaned up and setting out on our adventures for the day. Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 2”
To sit down and try to recap an entire weekend of Hallyu awesomeness is no small feat but I promised you all that I would come back and share all my stories with you, so that those of you who weren’t able to attend KCON 2014 would be able to get a glimpse of what an entire convention dedicated to all things Hallyu is really like. I also promised to share all of my other adventures while I was in L.A. which means I’ve got a lot to cover so I’d better get to it! Are you ready? Then let’s go! Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 1”
If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know by now that I’m super excited about KCON this year but what you might not know is there’s actually more to my spazzing than just my inner fangirl breaking free. So what is that reason, you ask? Well it’s because this year, I’ve been invited to be a special guest at North America’s largest convention of “All Things Hallyu”, KCON! Can you believe it!?! Continue reading “THE ZOMBIE IS INVADING LOS ANGELES!”
KCON 2014 Includes Two Night of K-pop Concerts, Appearances from Top Korean Drama Stars, “League of Legends” Exhibition Match, and the “Taste of KCON”
A Larger Convention with More Panels, Workshops and Special Guests from Across Hallyu Storm Downtown L.A.August 9 and 10
LOS ANGELES, CA – July 25, 2014 – KCON, the largest annual fan celebration of all things Hallyu, announced today that the third annual convention will feature a free marketplace with vendors from around LA and a free outdoor stage. KCON 2014 also revealed its program schedule for this year’s two day convention taking place August 9 and 10 in Downtown Los Angeles. Building on last year’s highly successful event at the Los Angeles Memorial Arena, KCON 2014 will return with a programming slate double the size and more varied than ever. In addition to two star-studded K-pop concerts (up from one in 2013), special guests and a new program of panels and workshops, KCON 2014 will add a slew of first-time features to the convention. These include:
- A free market and outdoor stage, which will showcase local artists along with vendors from the L.A. area including the “Taste of KCON,” serving up some of the best food from K-Town.
- Huge K-Drama stars Yoo In Na, Lee Seung Gi and Lee Seo Jin appearing at KCON as special guests.
- An E-sport exhibition match with professional “League of Legends” players;
- Opportunities to meet the top YouTubers from Asia’s #1 multi-channel network – Creator Group.
Over 20,000 fans from all across the world attended last year, doubling attendance from the previous year, and KCON is excited to welcome even more fans this summer. For more information on KCON 2014, the program and the special guests please visit www.kconusa.com.
KCON is co-produced by Asia’s leading content company CJ E&M and its global music channel Mnet. In the U.S., Mnet America, a youth entertainment brand for all things Asian cool, includes the biggest national, English-language lifestyle television network for fans of Asian pop culture.
KCON 2014 tickets are available here.
With KCON fast approaching, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of preparations that come with making our exodus to the Hallyu Holy Land, so I’ve decided help all of my fellow KCON-bound chingus by suggesting you take a little time to rest, relax and reflect on the awesomeness that’s about to descend upon us all. To help with your time of reflection, here’s a quick look at everything BTS has been doing in L.A. for the past month and what we have to look forward to when we get there ourselves. (Because we didn’t have enough to look forward to already!) Continue reading “BTS IN L.A. AND WHAT THAT MEANS FOR KCON 2014: Are You Ready?”
One Lucky Fan Will Win a Technology Prize Pack and a Trip to KCON 2014
LOS ANGELES, CA, July 23, 2014 –The “Wish for More Sweepstakes,” presented by KCON Technology Sponsor Verizon is back. This summer, one lucky fan will win a VIP trip for two to KCON 2014, the largest Korean pop culture convention in North America, including 2 VIP KCON convention and concert tickets, airfare, 3-night hotel accommodations, plus a technology prize pack including a smartphone, tablet and an accessory of the winner’s choice. Continue reading “Press Release: ‘WISH FOR MORE SWEEPSTAKES’ PRESENTED BY VERIZON OPENS”
As most of you already know, next month KCON, America’s biggest Hallyu festival, is coming to Los Angeles once again. There are so many amazing acts and special guest stars, but among all of them B1A4 stands out as one of the most precious groups. Unfortunately I am not able to attend KCON myself, but here are some things to get you excited about seeing the B1A4 boys in Los Angeles! Continue reading “SIX REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BE EXCITED THE ADORABLE BOYS OF B1A4 ARE COMING TO KCON 2014”
As many of you already know, VIXX is headed to L.A. in just a few short weeks, to participate in KCON, North America’s largest convention dedicated to “All Things Hallyu” and to celebrate, I’ve decided to share with you six reasons why you should be just as happy about VIXX’s appearance as I.
1. N’s Sidelong Glance
It’s no secret that N is the master of the sidelong glance and while it’s one thing to experience this lethal look through the wonders of YouTube, it’s quite another thing to experience this look in real life. The very idea of seeing it in person is enough to make even the most phlegmatic fangirl weak in the knees (or maybe that’s just me…) so seeing it in real-life may actually prove fatal but I’m sure every Starlight would agree, it’s a risk we’re willing to take.
2. Hongbin’s Dimples
It is a fact, universally acknowledged, that dimples are adorable and those lucky enough to possess them are immediately irresistible to those around them. That being the case, it stands to reason that when a member of a K-Pop band is not only unimaginably good-looking but also possesses the world’s most swoon worthy dimples, it’s hard to believe that person is real which is why, in the case of Hongbin, seeing will be believing. Only after seeing Hongbin in person will I be able to accept that such perfection does, in fact, exist and I may never be the same again…
(And for those of you who might be wondering who’s in this video with Hongbin, it’s B1A4’s Gongchan who, coincidentally, will also be at KCON. Hooray!)
3. Leo Embarrassed
Known as the cold, chic member of the group, Leo has a tendency to come across a bit strong (especially when he’s giving one of his band-mates one of his death stares) but there’s another side to Leo that is so ridiculously adorable, you can’t help but love him. And what is this adorable side, you ask. Well, aside from the fact that he loves children and animals and every time he cuddles one or the other you find yourself melting into a puddle of fangirl goo, there’s the fact that Leo gets incredibly embarrassed on-stage and his entire tough-guy persona dissolves in seconds. While there may not be a chance to watch Leo cuddle babies during KCON there’s a good chance we’ll be able to see him try to hide behind a fellow band member after saying something that he finds embarrassing and that, my friends, will be worth the price of admission, right there! (That and the fact he has the voice of an angel…)
4. Ravi’s Voice
We all know Ravi is the rapper of the group and as such, you may have overlooked the fact that Ravi has an amazing voice and I’m not talking about just when he’s performing. Deep, rich and soothing, Ravi’s voice is one that you could listen to for hours as you let the world dissolve into nothingness around you which might be just what you need at KCON, especially if you’re stuck next to one of those people who constantly jumps on your toes during the concerts and never bothers to apologize. Just remember to focus on Ravi’s voice and breathe (if that’s even possible with VIXX on-stage).
5. Ken’s Dorkiness
When it comes to loveable dorks, Ken has to be the master. There’s something irresistibly adorable about the way Ken can combine his aegyo and his dorkiness to make you think he’s a total goob and then turn around and knock you off your feet with his incredible voice. With such a unique combination of character and talent, you can be sure Ken is going to make you laugh and probably steal your heart, all at the same time.
(And now you’ll probably never be able to hear the word “ottokaji” without singing this song.)
6. Hyuk’s Amazing Transformation
Hyuk may be the maknae of the group but that doesn’t mean he’s a baby. On the contrary, in the past two years Hyuk has managed to transform from adorable high school student to one of the manliest maknae’s you’ve ever seen. How did he pull off this amazing transformation? I have no idea but perhaps if we see him in person, we can unravel this mystery together…
Of course it goes without saying that, more than anything, the reason you should be looking forward to seeing VIXX at KCON is because they’re an incredibly talented group who are sure to deliver a fantastic performance but it’s fun to come up with other reasons, just because I can. Naturally, now that I’ve shared six reasons why you should be looking forward to seeing VIXX at KCON, I want to hear yours. What are you most looking forward to seeing in person? Which songs would you like to see them perform? Which member is your favorite? I want to know it all so be sure to leave me a comment below! (Oh, and if you’re headed to KCON, I’ll see you there! 19 days and counting!!!)
Yup, you read that right! VIXX IS COMING TO KCON 2014! Last night during KCON’s weekly #KCONLiveChat, our friendly LiveChat moderators, Hoon and Vanessa, announced that VIXX has joined the slowly growing number of artists that will be attending KCON 2014 this August, in Los Angeles, California and I’m so flipping excited, I just had to take a moment and share my joy with the world. Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! VIXX IS COMING TO KCON 2014!!!”