These next 4 episodes of Hospital Ship were such an emotional roller coaster I almost couldn’t handle the ride! The lows were so low, I almost lost my faith in humanity but the highs were so high, I felt myself practically floating among the clouds. With such drastic ups and downs, I found myself more than a little frustrated throughout these next few episodes. However, that frustration has been tempered with a few bright glimmers of hope that leave me thinking there are better things to come. I just have to have the strength required to endure whatever rocky storms may stand between us and the end. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 21-24”
Last month, Mama B and I decided it would be fun to pick a single drama, ask everyone to watch it, then come together at our next chat to really dig into that one drama. A lot of people thought that was a good idea and since so many of you told Mama B and I that we needed to watch MBC’s Lookout that’s the drama we decided to go with for this month’s chat. So here’s what we had to say about this rather addictive drama… Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 6”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 17-20
답답해. 답답해. 답답해. 답답해. 답답해! That’s really all I can say about these next 4 episodes of Hospital Ship. As much as I hate to admit it, I can’t seem to find any other word or phrase to describe how these last 4 episodes made me feel. It seemed like every second of every minute of every episode made me more and more frustrated; so much so that by the end of episode 20, I was ready to throw things! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 17-20”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 13-16
One of the things I love most about this drama is that it never fails to entertain. Episode after episode, week after week, I find myself looking forward to discovering what comes next. Sometimes I’m so desperate for the next episode, I actually force myself to wait until the day new episodes come out, before I watch the older episodes, just so I don’t have to wait an entire week to find out what happens next. Sure, the waiting is a bit brutal but… Oh who am I kidding!?! It doesn’t matter when I watch an episode! No matter which episode I watch or when I watch it, I’m always left desperately wishing for more! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 13-16”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 9-12
I don’t know how all of you fared, during these next 4 episodes, but I found myself crying more times than I can count! Between the developing back-story and the whole thing with Teacher Seol, I shed more than my fair share of tears. But then they had to go and throw in that ending and I’m just… AUGH! Why can’t episodes come out more than twice a week!?! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 9-12”
KCON 2017 LA: “So Much Drama” Panel

I recently shared with you Young Ajummah’s video of one of the 3 panels I was on during KCON 2017 LA. Today I’m sharing with you a podcast of one of the other panels I was lucky enough to be a part of, KCON’s introduction to K-dramas panel, “So Much Drama.” Woohoo!
Continue reading “KCON 2017 LA: “So Much Drama” Panel”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 5-8
It makes me incredibly happy to say that these next 4 episodes of Hospital Ship were much more focused on character and plot development than they were on major medical crises and overly disgusting surgeries. That’s not to say there weren’t some of both (because there was), rather the hyped-up moments of drama took a backseat long enough for us to get some real development in our leading characters and their story. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 5-8”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 1-4
Okay, first off, it’s really weird to be writing a review with “Episodes 1-4” in the title. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t get used to the whole 4 episodes a week thing. I know why they’ve moved to this format and by now, you’d think I’d be used to it but I’m not. Am I weird or… You know what? Don’t answer that! It’s been about a zillion years since I last sat down to write a drama review but you know, life happens and things don’t always go the way you expect them to and you just kind of have to go with it sometimes. The good news is, I’m back now and ready to take on this rather surprising drama. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 1-4”
Believe it or not, it’s time, once again, for the KPopMama’s Mama B and I to get together for our monthly drama chat. This month we’re talking about some of our favorite things… steamy drama kisses, terrifying villains and our favorite (currently airing) drama, Suspicious Partner. Woohoo! Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 3”
KPopMama’s Mama B and I are back with the second installment of our monthly drama chat. This time around we discuss the ups and downs of My Secret Romance, the finale of Rebel, Thief Who Stole the People, Fight My Way and more. Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 2”