I know! I know! I know! It’s been about 18 million years since I last posted anything on this long-neglected website. I have no excuse, other than life has been… a lot, these past few years. But in all honesty, hasn’t life been a lot for all of us these past few years?
Despite going MIA as Zombie Mamma, I’ve been around… Writing for Rakuten Viki, writing occasionally for Kpopconcerts.com, and most recently, taking a job as a full-time instructional writer who specializes in… wait for it…
Yeah… Don’t even bother trying to ask about that. I still can’t quite figure this one out. But here I am! Writing about boats… Learning how to operate boats… Attending boat shows… Visiting super awesome boat building facilities… Making friends with actual boat captains… And meeting said boat captain’s very awesome friends… Which brings me to the whole point of this rambling…
A couple of months ago, I was attending a boat show in Annapolis, Maryland and while I was there, my co-worker captain friend introduced me to one of her good friends. We had a lovely lunch together and spent a good portion of the afternoon just talking and as we parted ways, my new friend asked me if I’d be interested in being a guest on her podcast.
Now, as you may or may not know. When it comes to dramas and music, I have no problem being on podcasts and panels and whatever else comes my way, because talking about stuff I love is easy. But when it comes to talking about myself, especially in a public space, I get a little nervous. After all, who really wants to know about the Mamma behind the Zombie? I have a hard time believing anything about my life is all that special. (A bit effed up maybe, but special? Not so much…)
Be that as it may, when Alka asked me to be a guest on her podcast, Changing Platforms, I found myself inexplicably saying yes. Blame it on too much time in the sun or the bottle of wine we shared at lunch… Whatever the case may be, two weeks after I got home from Maryland, I was on a call with Alka, recording the podcast I present to you now.
Unlike anything else I’ve ever done on this site, this podcast is a very open and honest conversation about me, my life, and how many strange and unexpected turns it’s taken over the years. Of course, I can’t really have any lengthy conversation about myself that doesn’t ultimately lead to Korean pop culture and entertainment; because apparently that isn’t something everyone just randomly becomes an expert in??? Who knew!?
So there you have it, a rare glimpse into the inner workings of one very Zombified Mamma. If you gave the podcast a listen, or a watch, depending on where you get your podcasts, then you’ve proved Alka right (when she said people who like to hear my story) and me wrong (when I told myself there’s no way anyone would ever want to hear my story and I was crazy for agreeing to this in the first place. Yeah, I know, I’m still working on that whole self-love thing. It’s just that it’s REALLY HARD!) Feel free to leave a comment, if you want, or just drop a long-overdue hello. Because let’s be real here, it’s been WAY too long since we last met and I’ve gotta say, I’ve really missed ya!
We all know the world is crazy right now. While some countries are going into a second lockdown, here in the U.S., all eyes are fixed on the results of this week’s presidential election. While staying up-to-date on everything happening in the world isn’t a bad thing, it does tend to bring with it, an overwhelming amount of anxiety. In an effort to help ease some of life’s stress, I’ve put together a short list of dramas that are sure to provide you with a much-needed and very welcome distraction.
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol
Don’t let the name of this Netflix Original fool you. Behind this rather ridiculous title lies a sweet little drama full of warmth and charm. The story follows the adventures of Gu Ra Ra (Go Ara), a spoiled rich girl whose life is turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Determined to make the best of her situation, Ra Ra does the best she can to start a new life for herself. Along the way she makes all sorts of new friends, who help her on her journey. Of course, being a rom-com, there has to be a love interest and that role is filled nicely by Sunwoo Jun (Lee Jae Wook), an adorable young man with a heart of gold, who tries to play it cool on the outside but fails miserably.
The chemistry between Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook is undeniably adorable. There’s just something about these two that immediately makes me smile. This certainly isn’t a deep drama, but when your mind is overwhelmed by the stress of everything else going on in the world, it’s nice to have a drama you can turn to when you need a little dose of fluffy sunshine. I, for one, am thoroughly enjoying this drama, even if it sometimes makes me feel a little guilty for not playing the piano as often as I should…
Tale of the Nine-Tailed
For those of you who enjoy the romance but would rather skip the fluff, this tvN fantasy thriller may be just what you’re looking for. As the name implies, Tale of the Nine-Tailed follows the story of Lee Yeon (Lee Dong Wook), a thousand year old gumiho (nine-tailed fox) who gives up his position as the god of the Baekdudaegan, to scour the world for the reincarnation of his first love, Ah Eum (Jo Bo Ah).
Not surprising, it takes an insanely long time (as in 600 years) for Lee Yeon to finally find his beloved Ah Eum but eventually he does, in the form of a television producer by the name of Nam Ji Ah (Jo Bo Ah). The adventures that bring these two together are exciting, to say the least, but it’s not the supernatural excitement and intertwined fates that keep me coming back. Oh no. The thing that makes this drama absolutely irresistible is the way Lee Yeon is constantly looking at Nam Ji Ah. OH. MY. WORD. Every time he looks at the woman who holds his heart, I feel my own heart stop. I swear, if a man look at me that way, I’d melt into his arms and never leave again!
Of course, there’s more to this drama than heart melting looks and a tragic 600 year old love story. There are plenty of other supernatural beings vying for attention as this story unfolds and I am particularly intrigued by the dynamic between Lee Yeon and his half-brother, Lee Rang (Kim Bum). I like the way the story is going between these two so far and I’m very interested to see how their relationship will play out in the overall story.
With plenty of excitement and lots and lots and LOTS of pretty (I’m looking at you, Lee Yeon) you’re sure to find yourself sufficiently distracted by this drama. And even if you’re not, who doesn’t want an excuse to swoon over Lee Dong Wook for a couple of hours each week? (Yeah, I know, I’m letting my inner fangirl show but’s fine. She hasn’t been out in full-force in MONTHS!)
Zombie Detective
This last drama is an unexpected treat. I had heard of KBS’s zombie drama a couple of months ago but I just never got around to watching it, until recently. Now I’m hooked. The story is pretty self-explanatory. It starts with Kang Min Ho (Choi Jin Hyuk) waking up in a landfill as a zombie. How he died and became a zombie is a mystery that Min Ho is determined to solve, but doing so won’t be easy. Training himself to walk, talk, and act like a human, the zombie Min Ho enters the human world and inadvertently takes on the role of a private investigator.
Terrified of humans, Min Ho’s transition into the human world is nothing short of hilarious. His struggles to overcome his innate zombie-ness are both funny and endearing. I swear, I haven’t seen a zombie this adorable since Nicholas Hoult stole my heart as R in the 2013 film, Warm Bodies.
As one would expect, our zombie hero soon finds himself teamed up with a tenacious young woman by the name of Gong Sun Ji (Park Ju Hyun). Though their relationship doesn’t start off on the most conventional foot, the two seem to be well-suited for each other, as she’s a former investigatory journalist in need of a job and he’s a reluctant zombie detective in need of, well, everything. Together this unlike pair take on various cases, help solve some unique crimes, and I’m hoping, will ultimately uncover the mysteries behind the existence of zombies.
Bonus Round– Older Dramas Are Our Friends
While some people may enjoy the unexpected twists and turns of a new drama, there may be others out there who might find more comfort during these trying times, settling into an old favorite. Personally, I’m doing a bit of both these days. Thanks to Netflix Party (or Teleparty, as it’s now called) I’ve been watching Oh My Ghost with a dear friend of mine. While we may be separated by half a continent, we’re still able to get together once or twice a week to watch a drama and forget just how stressful life is for all of us right now. To be honest, having a party to look forward to is sometimes the only thing I’ve got keeping me going.
At the recommendation of that same friend, I’ve also started watching Healer. How I’ve managed to go this far in life without ever watching this drama is beyond me, but I’m watching it now and I’m loving every second of it. (Dear gracious, does Ji Chang Wook know how to make me swoon!)
But enough about my drama watching habits. What I really want to know is, how have you been coping with the stress of life these days? Have dramas been helpful in any way? What are you watching right now? Let me know in the comments below. It’s been ages since we last had a chance to chat and I’d love to hear from you! Until then, hang in there and just remember to breathe. You’ve got this!
In my never-ending quest to come up with new and (hopefully) enjoyable content, I’ve decided to put together a collection of all my favorites from the past month. In part because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and also because I have a really hard time remembering things and I thought this would be a good way to remind myself of everything I’ve watched/listened to/ squealed over this past month. This way when I’m sitting down at the end of the year, trying to remember everything I loved about 2018, I might actually be able to come up with something more than a blank wall inside an empty brain. (Wouldn’t that be nice switch!) So to kick things off, here’s my list of January favorites. (Woohoo!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S TOP PICKS: January 2018”
There’s something truly special about a drama that makes you fall in love with its characters over and over again. I know I’ve had some ups and downs with this drama, especially at the beginning, but we’ve finally reached a point where our leading characters have overcome the worst of their flaws and are now traveling down a path that will ultimately lead them someplace wonderful. Well, maybe not wonderful but definitely someplace better than either of them have been before. Oh! Just seeing the direction things are headed is making me so happy! I could almost do a dance of joy! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 9-10”
I love the way this drama is starting to leave me with some serious warm-fuzzies. Not only is our OTP starting to make some progress *squee* but our hero is as well; which means I have a lot to be happy with in this next set of episodes. Sadly, I have some things that have really riled me up as well but such is the life of any drama watcher. I’m just happy that, for the most part, the good seems to be outweighing the bad. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 7-8”
I find it very amusing, the way this drama is toying with my emotions. In the last 2 episodes, I was ridiculously annoyed by our bumbling hero but in these next 2 episodes, I find my heart doing all sorts of swoony squiggles over him. It’s a bit of a trip, being flip-flopped around like this, but at the same time, it’s kinda fun. There’s a lot to be said for a drama that makes you feel a wide range of emotions which is probably why I can’t seem to get enough of this one. (Oh what a confused mess I am!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 5-6”
It’s funny how a little bit of time can change your perspective on things. When I sat down to watch the first 2 episodes of this drama, I thought it was super fluffy, a bit frustrating and came a little too close to the border of ridiculous. However, there were underlying themes that, if developed, could provide this drama with a surprising amount of satisfying substance. The problem with having substance lying just under the surface is that you must have the patience to wait for that substance to emerge. I have to admit, these next 2 episodes felt more like a test of patience than anything else. However, I still believe there’s something more this drama has to offer; it’s just a matter of holding on until that moment comes. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 3-4”
It’s been over a week since I sat down to watch the last 4 episodes of this drama and I’m only now getting around to writing this review. I know that’s kind of lame but I wanted to take some time to ruminate over the way things ended, just to be sure I properly processed things before I sat down to rage against all the nonsense that filled these final episodes. I can’t say that I’m any more at peace with the way this drama wrapped up but maybe, just maybe, I’m a little less emotional than I was a week ago. Here’s hoping anyway… Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 37-40”
You know, this drama has an amazing knack for driving me insane. Every time I think there’s going to be a moment of sweetness, something frustrating happens and all my wishes for some happy OTP time get thrown right out the window! I guess that keeps things interesting but really, with only 4 episodes left, how much more excitement do we really need? Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship 33-36”
Sitting down to watch these first 2 episodes of Revolutionary Love, I didn’t really expect to find myself feeling so compelled to write a review. I thought it was just going to be one of those silly little fluff dramas that I could use to fill the space between the heartier dramas I’m currently watching, so I went into it completely unprepared for what I was getting myself into. However, now that I’ve squealed and giggled my way through these first couple of episodes, I find myself fully convinced this drama is one that needs to be written about. Why? Well, to put it simply, it’s because I’ve fallen head-over-heels for this incredibly wonderful trio of main characters. Yeah, I know, my reasoning on this one is totally sound. But hey, if I’m going to dedicate endless hours to writing this new review, I should at least be motivated, and really, what’s more motivating that Choi Siwon, Gong Myung and Kang So Ra playing 3 incredibly lovable characters? (My point exactly!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 1-2”