As many of you already know, North America’s largest Hallyu dedicated convention, KCON, is fast approaching but what you may not know is that a number of St☆rlights have expressed an interest in organizing a meetup during the convention. After all, what better place to meet up and squee over our beloved VIXX than at a convention dedicated solely to all things Hallyu?
In an attempt to make this St☆rlight meetup a reality, VIXX Galaxy‘s founder Kate has agreed to officially sponsor this event so all we, as KCON bound St☆rlights, have to do is come up with a brilliant idea to make this happen. How, you might ask? Well, by brainstorming, of course! All we’re asking is that you help us come up with ideas on when, where and how to make this meetup more than just a dream.
You can share your ideas here by leaving a comment below or by logging into VIXX Galaxy and leaving your ideas in the KCON 2014 Starlight Meetup Forum. We want to make this meetup fun for all so let’s start planning! I know I for one, am super excited about this opportunity to meet up with fellow St☆rlights and I can’t wait to squee you all in August!
Oh my gosh. You mean I actually have to meet all you people?
Just joking! I am super excited for this! Yes, yes! Count me in! And I live in LA, so I can do lots of leg work here for whatever it is you need done. Do you want to meet at KCON? Or prior to KCON (like Friday night)? Do you want to meet at a restaurant? Rent a room? Rent a hall? Whatever it is, I can look it up, talk to people. Anything you need.
That is awesome and you’re amazing! This is just an idea that came to a handful of us this afternoon so we’re all kicking around ideas and looking for inspiration on how to make this happen. I was thinking it would be best to keep cost to a minimum as so many of us will be making the pilgrimage to L.A. from far off places and that means the trip is already expensive. Maybe we could just plan to meet either at KCON (pick a time, pick a place sort of thing and meet up, maybe for lunch or something) or maybe meet up at the all-night drama party KCON was planning for the Friday night before? (That is, of course if the all-nighter becomes a reality, which I’m thinking it should but I guess you never know.) I know VIXX Galaxy isn’t going to have an official booth at KCON because they’re a relatively new fan group and they lack the funds and people to man a booth over the weekend but that doesn’t mean we can’t meet up anyway. If you have any ideas on how to make this meetup a reality, don’t hesitate to share them! I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen (within reason, of course, lol) so let’s put our heads together and come up with something that will be both fun and memorable for all of us. I’m so happy you’re on board with this! Yay! Oh, and I can’t wait to meet you “for realz!” I can only imagine the amount of fangirling that will happen when all of us Starlights are gathered in one place… Good times are pretty much guaranteed! LOL!
Woohoo! Now if we can just get VIXX there, we’d be set! I’ll keep in touch, and if I get any ideas I’ll be sure to tell you. Looking forward to meeting you and other Starlights! Let the fangirling begin!
Woo-hoo! I can’t wait! And yes, if VIXX were to come to KCON, all of my fangirl dreams would come true! Well… Maybe not all but pretty darn close! LOL!
I’ve been thinking and wondering and I’m curious, would meeting up for breakfast before KCON be a possibility or would that be too early for most? Would meeting up for dinner the night before (Friday night) work better? I know KCON has been tossing around the idea of a all-night drama party before KCON but surely we’d have time to get food before that? If not a whole meal, maybe we could just meet up at a coffee shop or something? Just some ideas to ponder. Any thoughts?
I like the idea of dinner before the all night thing on Friday, since I think most people will be here by then. I think a breakfast meet-up might be too hectic, especially if it opens at 10am like it did last year. I was in line for 2 hrs. prior. Awful. Once we know the location for KCON, then we can get a better idea about dinner places. Eep! Excited!
I was wondering about what it was like prior to KCON actually opening. I had a feeling they were atrocious. Oh what fun we have to look forward to! Maybe dinner the night before would be better. I know I’m flying in to L.A. on the Wednesday before but I’m sure most people won’t be there that early. There hasn’t been any response on VIXX Galaxy yet but we only announced this yesterday so there’s still time. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on things as they develop. Yay! I’m so excited! Woot!
So it seems like either meeting up for dinner or coffee the night before KCON is probably the best idea. Now we have to decide what and where we want to eat. Any ideas or suggestions? Should we try to pick a place near the KCON venue, since those coming from out of town will probably be staying somewhere near there or should we venture farther out? I’m completely clueless when it comes to suggesting places to eat because this will be my first time in L.A. so I’m depending on others for this one. There were some interesting sounding suggestions on VIXX Galaxy, including KBBQ in K-Town, Pizza Studio, Freebirds and The Lab, but nothing’s been decided yet. Don’t suppose you have any other suggestions, do you?
I know we were also talking about making t-shirts and banners for VIXX now that they’re officially coming to KCON but nothing’s been put up on VIXX Galaxy yet so should we start thinking about how to make this happen on our own or wait a bit more? I guess if all else fails, we can get together a couple of days before and get our arts & crafts on, on our own! LOL!