As I’m sure many of you know by now, the B.A.P LIVE ON EARTH 2014 tour is coming to America!! One of their stops will be in “Chicago” (aka Merrillville, Indiana) on April 19th, which just happens to be Kim Himchan’s birthday!!
To make the day as special for Himchan as it will be for those of us attending the concert, KpopKolorado and I have come up with a plan but we need your help! From now until March 28th, we are asking all of the BABYz and HIMEs to show your love for Himchan by writing him a quick Happy Birthday note, sending a drawing, or other note of encouragement, or whatever you want to send that will fit onto a small square – about 6” x 6” along with your name.
You can send your messages, drawings, pics, etc. for Himchan by leaving a comment below. Once we’ve collected all of your notes, KpopKolorado and I will transfer them onto squares of fabric and then sew them all together to make a quilt (‘blanket of luv’ ;)) which we will then take to Himchan at the concert in Chicago on April 19th. (Well, we’ll leave it at the gift table for him anyway. Sorry, but that’s the best we can do.)
Remember: If you’d like to be a part of our Blanket Himchan With Love Project, make sure to submit your comments here no later than April 16, 2014!
i am unable to finish my fanart of Himchan, so..
Good luck with the blanket~!
I’m sorry you couldn’t finish your fanart but you could still send him a message and I’d be happy to add it to the blanket! There’s still time!
Happy Birthday Himchan!
Thank you for everything you do. You are a huge inspiration to many people, and you are absolutely amazing! I hope your day is special. 사랑해!