TUESDAY’S TEASE aka Proof VIXX Has Broken My Brain

It seems rather fitting that VIXX waited until after I’d posted last week’s “Tease” to begin teasing for the release of their upcoming mini album. It’s like they knew the release of their first set of photos would nearly kill me, so they decided they’d be nice and let me have one last squee over other groups before they completely took over my brain. Wasn’t that nice of them? Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE aka Proof VIXX Has Broken My Brain”

New Form Debuts New Series of Pilots and I’m Hooked!

So I got this press release from New Form a couple of days ago and I didn’t think much about it at first. I tend to get things from companies on a fairly regular basis and sometimes it’s hard to decide which releases are relevant and which aren’t. I was going to pass this one over but after taking a closer look, I realized there might be some (myself included) who are actually interested in what this particular announcement was all about, so I decided to share. Because I’m cool like that. *snickers* Continue reading “New Form Debuts New Series of Pilots and I’m Hooked!”

TUNE OF THE WEEK: Yong Jun Hyung “Wonder If”

I have a feeling this week’s “Tune” selection is coming as a surprise to pretty much no one, seeing as how I’ve been singing the praises of Jun Hyung’s new single to anyone who would stop long enough to listen, since it was released on Tuesday. Still, I feel it’s my duty to sing those praises in as many ways as I can so here I go… Again. Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Yong Jun Hyung “Wonder If””


The amazing Mama B over at K-Pop Mamas and I have decided to branch out a little and try our hand at hosting a monthly drama live chat. In this first installment, we decided to talk about My Secret Romance, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People. Of course that doesn’t mean the conversation didn’t take some interesting turns along the way… Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 1”

K-POP ONE-STOP: April 22-28, 2017

Once again KCON’s recent lineup announcements have gotten me so distracted, I’ve forgotten to post this past week’s playlist of new music. I think I’m just gonna have to make this my new Monday thing, at least until KCON stops killing me with all these freaking fantastic artist announcements! (Not that I’m complaining, it’s just a lot for one zombie to keep up with, that’s all.) Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: April 22-28, 2017”