HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 15-16 (2/2)


Zombie: So we’re two weeks from the end and things are just as crazy as ever. I’m really having a hard time seeing how things are going to be wrapped up nicely in just four episodes and things HAVE TO BE wrapped up nicely because if this drama doesn’t wrap up nicely, there will be some tables flipped.

Tanya: There are some times that I just can’t even…. and this is one of them. I have no solid ideas as to where we are actually going right now. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 15-16 (2/2)”


David the cutie

As you may or may not know, I recently had an article of mine published on KCON’s blog and since it’s been well over a week now since it originally went up, I decided it was time to add it here as well. So, just in case you missed it, here’s my quick look at several of the different types of second leads found in K-Dramas.  Enjoy!

young do breaks my heart

Have you ever found yourself falling for a K-drama second lead? Perhaps you’ve come across a second so annoying you wished something catastrophic would happen, just so he/she would back off and leave the poor lead alone. For some mysterious reason, K-drama seconds have the ability to invoke feelings just as strong as their leading counterparts. Though it may be impossible to understand why we feel so strongly about K-drama seconds, it is possible to categorize them, so here’s a quick look at six types of K-drama seconds… Continue reading “SECONDS, ANYONE?”

FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: You’re Beautiful


Earlier this week, I was looking back over the past few months of posts, trying to decide which drama to feature for this week’s Friday Night Drama and I was mortified to find that I had yet to say anything about one of my most favorite dramas in the whole wide world, the delightfully fluffy, idol-filled treat, You’re BeautifulSo here I sit, ready to dive into what has to be the most influential drama I have ever had the pleasure to watch… Are you ready? Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: You’re Beautiful”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 15-16 (1/2)


It’s no secret that Doctor Stranger is a drama with a lot going on but with only two weeks left until the end, this drams has kicked the intensity up to a whole new level of crazy! There’s so much going on, I can barely wrap my head around it all but I’m certainly going to try! Who’s with me? Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 15-16 (1/2)”

ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 12


angry couple

You know, the more of Fall in Love With Me I watch, the more I’m convinced Lu Tian Xing is the only character of merit, which is kind of bad, considering he started out as the worst of the bunch! Between a stubborn refusal to accept the truth and a whole new batch of lies, this week has me wondering if there’s actually a decent character in this entire drama! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 12”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 13-14 (2/2)

interesting taste

Tanya: Can I just say that this drama knows how to frustrate me to no end?! Just when I think the bromance is going to start happening IT BACKFIRES! I seriously needed all caps for that one.

Zombie: You know, I actually spent quite a lot of time this week thinking about you as I watched this bromance almost blossom and then fall spectacularly to pieces. I had a feeling you’d be as frustrated about this as I was. We were so close… SO CLOSE! And now Jae Joon has to be all angry at Hoon and for what? Is Hoon supposed to be responsible for his father’s disappearance? Heck, is Park Cheol even responsible? I think Jae Joon would do well to take a minute and really think about where he wants to lay blame because really, does he sincerely think Hoon’s life in North Korea was all sunshine and rainbow ponies? Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 13-14 (2/2)”


group 1Yup, you read that right! VIXX IS COMING TO KCON 2014! Last night during KCON’s weekly #KCONLiveChat, our friendly LiveChat moderators, Hoon and Vanessa, announced that VIXX has joined the slowly growing number of artists that will be attending KCON 2014 this August, in Los Angeles, California and I’m so flipping excited, I just had to take a moment and share my joy with the world. Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! VIXX IS COMING TO KCON 2014!!!”