The Zebussie Drama Review: Iron Man Episode 16


Drama Debussie: Another week, another preempted episode. The dramaverse loves doing this to us, doesn’t it? I guess one episode is better than no episode. Especially when it finally starts to explore the things we’ve been waiting so desperately to explore. For example, someone finally asks the question of the century. WHAT THE HELL DOES SE DONG WANT?! Continue reading “The Zebussie Drama Review: Iron Man Episode 16”

The Zebussie Drama Review: Iron Man Episodes 14-15 (2/2)


Zombie: So it seems all my worst fears came true this week. Tae Hee decided she didn’t want to be dead so now she’s back and Se Dong has once again proven herself to be the most selfless, kind and understanding human being on the face of the planet. Seriously, this girl needs to be given a medal or something because she’s just too good, especially to people who don’t deserve her kindness. She makes me feel like such a loser. Continue reading “The Zebussie Drama Review: Iron Man Episodes 14-15 (2/2)”

FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Vampire Prosecutor 2


So, as I’m sure most of you know, today is Halloween here in the States and as such, I’ve got about a zillion things to do to get ready for tonight’s festivities. Because I’m kinda short on time, I’ve decided to feature the sequel to one of my favorite vampire-y dramas as this weekend’s drama to watch because there’s not a whole lot to say about it, other than it’s great, and it fits the spooky theme of the evening rather well. So, without further ado, I give you my super-short (but ever enthusiastic) take on this week’s Friday Night Drama, Vampire Prosecutor 2. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Vampire Prosecutor 2”