DAY6 is preparing to embark on their DAY6 LIVE & MEET IN NORTH AMERICA 2017, which means it’s time for you to start preparing for Ticket Sales Day! I know, I know. We don’t like to talk about how stressful it is, buying tickets, but if you start mentally preparing now, maybe it won’t be so bad come Saturday. (Yeah… I know that’s really nothing more than wishful thinking but at least I’m trying to be positive!) Continue reading “Tickets for DAY6 LIVE & MEET IN NORTH AMERICA 2017 on Sale This Saturday!”
KCON 2017 LA: “So Much Drama” Panel
I recently shared with you Young Ajummah’s video of one of the 3 panels I was on during KCON 2017 LA. Today I’m sharing with you a podcast of one of the other panels I was lucky enough to be a part of, KCON’s introduction to K-dramas panel, “So Much Drama.” Woohoo!
Continue reading “KCON 2017 LA: “So Much Drama” Panel”
K-POP ONE-STOP: September 8-15, 2017
Well my friends, another week is coming to a close and you know what that means… No, it’s not time to party like it’s 1999… Or is it??? Whether it is or not, it is time for this week’s new music playlist. Woohoo! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: September 8-15, 2017”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 5-8
It makes me incredibly happy to say that these next 4 episodes of Hospital Ship were much more focused on character and plot development than they were on major medical crises and overly disgusting surgeries. That’s not to say there weren’t some of both (because there was), rather the hyped-up moments of drama took a backseat long enough for us to get some real development in our leading characters and their story. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 5-8”
SubKulture Entertainment Announces BewhY First US Tour “The Blind Star”
I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but last night SubKulture Entertainment announced another tour coming this fall, bringing their grand total up to 4! That’s right, FOUR. As in be still my heart, might have to sell my kidney, take all my money, gonna be broke for the rest of forever but I’m gonna have fun on my way to destitution ’cause BewhY is comin’ to the States! Woot! Woot! Continue reading “SubKulture Entertainment Announces BewhY First US Tour “The Blind Star””
SubKulture Entertainment Announces 2017 SF9 BE MY FANTASTY IN USA Tour
That’s right, my fellow Fantasy! SF9 is coming to the US for a three-city fanmeet tour this November! (Pardon me while I do a happy dance of joy… *dances ’til I fall over*) Continue reading “SubKulture Entertainment Announces 2017 SF9 BE MY FANTASTY IN USA Tour”
K-POP ONE-STOP: September 1-8, 2017
I know it’s been about a million years since I last made a K-Pop One-Stop playlist but with all the new music coming out this month, I feel like this may be the only way we can get together to talk about it all. I mean just this one playlist has 70 songs! That’s a lot of music to try to cover in a week! That’s why I put together this playlist, so that even if we never get a chance to talk about all of this great music, we can at least enjoy listening to it! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: September 1-8, 2017”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 1-4
Okay, first off, it’s really weird to be writing a review with “Episodes 1-4” in the title. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t get used to the whole 4 episodes a week thing. I know why they’ve moved to this format and by now, you’d think I’d be used to it but I’m not. Am I weird or… You know what? Don’t answer that! It’s been about a zillion years since I last sat down to write a drama review but you know, life happens and things don’t always go the way you expect them to and you just kind of have to go with it sometimes. The good news is, I’m back now and ready to take on this rather surprising drama. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hospital Ship Episodes 1-4”
I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s time, once again, for me and Mama B to talk about all the dramas we’ve been watching this past month. This month we cover everything from Oh My Venus to evil moms and pretty much everything in-between. Continue reading “K-DRAMA LIVE CHAT WITH THE MAMAS – Episode 5”
A Parent’s Guide to K-Pop + A Giveaway!
Last week, I shared my dear Tater Tot’s video of our KCON 2017 LA “So Your Kid is a K-Pop Fan” panel. The panel itself was a lot of fun to be a part of and I know there were several in attendance who were particularly interested in the little book Sara had made specifically for parents, to help them better understand what it is, exactly, that their children are getting into when they first get into K-Pop. While parents who attended the panel were able to pick up a copy of Sara’s, Parent’s Guide to K-Pop, it hasn’t been easy for parents elsewhere to get a copy of this book. Until now! Continue reading “A Parent’s Guide to K-Pop + A Giveaway!”