The awesome ladies over at Dramas With a Side of Kimchi have officially started their 14 Days of Fangirling and since they’ve invited others to join them in their adventures, I decided that’s exactly what I’d do. After all, who doesn’t love a good bit of fangirling every now and then?
Day 1’s fangirling is all about fantasy casting; as in which two actors would you most like to see paired in a drama.

I have to say, this one is a bit difficult. There are so many possibilities and they could all be amazing, so it’s kinda hard to choose. However, since I must pick one, I think Kim Seul Gi and So Ji Sub would make a fantastically awkward couple. I can just see Kim Seul Gi’s adorably bright personality shining so vividly against a darker, more subdued So Ji Sub. I think it would be fantastic if her quirkiness could bring out his character’s brightness as their inevitable love story progressed.
The only downside to this pairing would be the fact that it falls into the current trend of casting much older men with much younger women; a trend which isn’t bad, in and of itself, but it has lead to some awkward and rather uncomfortable pairings, in the past. On the bright side, the fact that such age differences has become vogue means the chances of a pairing like this happening in real life are a whole lot higher than they might have otherwise been. I know that even now, such a paring is a long-shot but hey, fangirls are nothing if not pros at hoping for the impossible!
Day 2’s fangirling asks the seemingly simple question: Who is your K-Pop bias?

If you’d asked me this a couple of years ago, I would have said VIXX’s Leo before you’d even had a chance to finish your question. However, my ever-growing list of bias groups, combined with my ever-growing list of biases makes answering this question darn near impossible. Even so, I’d have to say that BTS’ Suga currently wears this Zombie’s ultimate bias crown. Don’t ever ask me why because I’ll probably never shut up. All I can say is, when a boy looks into your soul and smirks as he does so, you really don’t have a choice but to love him for the rest of forever. *siiiiggghhh* Yes. I am hopeless. But you already knew that!
I know that technically, I’m a day behind in my fangirling and I should keep going with this list until I catch up but life demands I stop here for the day. Have no fear though; I plan on catching up with the rest of this list tomorrow. In the meantime, you can tell me who your ultimate drama pairing and K-Pop bias are in the comments below!
I think everyone would love to see kim seul gi with pretty much anyone as long as she is the lead. But i agree she would have fun chemistry in this pairing. The girl needs a lead role already.
She really does! It’d be great if 2017 was the year she finally landed a role as the leading lady. *fingers crossed*
Heehee. You love Yoongi. Is it weird that I’m mama-like proud that your ult is one of my babies? I mean, there are so many many many beautiful biases out there you could choose, but you chose Yoongi! Or maybe he chose you when he stared into your soul. Either way, I’m a happy camper.
I’m glad my soul being stolen for all of eternity makes you so happy. *rofl*